Troubleshoot my Anki deck study settings please

  1. That will do it. If you have cards in Learn, that change can cause learning steps to be skipped or repeated. The cards that were in Learn when this happened will shake this off after you study them a couple more times.

If you have a large number of cards in Learn that are impacted by this, and you don’t want to wait – you can either “Reset” the cards to New (and they will start over with your current learning steps), or “Set Due Date” to graduate the cards to Review.

I’m keeping an eye out for reproducible cases to see if we can get this fixed. Can you provide a few more details for me?

(a) How confident are you that you always synced at the start and end of every session, on every device, during these last few days? [I can see this card was only created on 1 Sept.]
(b) What were your old learning steps? [I can see that your new ones are 15m 1d 6d.]
(c) Did you make the change to your learning steps between the 1 Sept evening study and the 2 Sept morning study?
(d) Can you tell me how many cards you had in Learn when you changed the learning steps – or even how many cards you have in Learn now, since it’s so recent? Search for is:learn -is:suspended -is:review "preset:Ali Recommended MRCP" in the Browse window.