Repeated/skipped learning steps

The FAQ on repeated/skipped learning steps says –

This issue no longer exists if you change the learning steps in Anki 2.1.55+.

That appears to be a reference to the 2.1.55 fix by @Rumo

  • You should no longer see strange behavior when changing learning steps while cards are in learning.

But this still seems to happen quite often – examples, from here or Reddit (and long enough after the Dec 2022 release that it seems unlikely they are still pre-2.1.55) –

I was in the process of writing this up as a fix needed for the FAQ, but how much effort anyone should put into updating the FAQ (and how to word it) depends a bit on what’s going on as far as development. I don’t see anything in the issue tracker about it.

Is this being investigated as a recurrence of what was happening pre-2.1.55? Or as a new issue that came up since then? Or is it unfixable?

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I have faced this recently when changing from 1m 5m 10m to 1m 10m (and doing other tweaks).

I think we should at least then list it as a known bug and not mark it off as fixed, regardless of other things.

I suspect these users haven’t been consistently syncing at the start and end of each session. A conflict could cause cards to be reverted to an earlier state, and that earlier state may have been appropriate for a different number of learning steps.

But it could also be that the fix isn’t working properly. Can anyone provide a minimum set of steps that triggers the issue, where syncing is not involved?

I looked through these examples again and many of the users were able to confirm strict syncing habits – and at the same time confirm they had definitely been changing their learning steps.

I think one of the reasons this has been so prevalent lately is that folks are removing their multi-day steps when they turn on FSRS, and

  1. If you have multi-day steps, you are almost guaranteed to have some cards in Learn at any given moment – probably a lot of them.
  2. A lot of the issues seem to arise around changing the number of steps (as opposed to just the length of the steps), so removing those multi-day steps is more prone to trigger the issue.
  3. When folks are turning on FSRS they are often keeping a closer-than-usual eye on the button-intervals.

Hopefully someone can identify a reproducible case. I’ll keep an eye out.

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Well, that topic is closed so I’m starting a new one. Can you reproduce the repeated LS issue with these steps:

  1. Create a new profile so that everything is set to default.
  2. Create a new card.
  3. Click Good.
  4. Open deck options and empty learning steps. Save.
  5. No go back and put 1m 10m as LS.
  6. Go back to the card and it should show 10m on the Good button.
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Not sure if that was supposed to be a question, but I can reproduce it with the steps you provided.


Thanks for confirming. So, we’ve got a bug I guess (not a syncing issue).


Thanks, I’ve logged this on Better handle step changes? · Issue #3699 · ankitects/anki · GitHub