Future due (still) broken in 2.51

Anki 2.1.51 (cf78a555) Python 3.9.7 Qt 6.2.3 PyQt 6.2.3

has still the issue reported here: forums . ankiweb . net/t/anki-2-1-51-release-candidate / 18942/24

(I can’t include links here for whatever reason, so remove the blanks above and add the prefix yourself)


Could you post me the link to where I can find thar rc2 (the version info does not tell me which rc it is…)?

Look here: Anki 2.1.52 Release Candidate

I was more after apps . ankiweb . net / downloads / beta / ?C=N&O=D

Alas, I found it and that latest rc2 solves my issue.

I have to come back to this. The stats tell
(and if I click on it it shows 60 due cards). But almost none of them is offered for learning

I’m not sure whether this stat is broken or the main menu. I have increased the limit for reviews but still no extra cards are offered for learning.

Your review limit is preventing the due cards from being shown. Increasing the review limit should reveal more cards. Increasing the new limit by itself will not help, as it is bound by the review limit.

I already did that by going from 200 to 300

The “Kanjis” deck has a limit of 50 set, and that is the deck with the waiting cards. If you enable the backlog on the graph, you’ll see cards waiting from previous days.

You hit the spot :slight_smile: I increased other limits (incl. WaniKani) but missed that one.

I was just thinking about the cause of the last issue. If these options could be edited in some sort of spreadsheet rather than in isolated dialogues the misunderstanding would probably not have happened.

Improving visibility is on our radar.

Hi, this seems to be an appropriate thread to share this issue. I have seen in two of my databases the following pattern in the Future Due report:

This first appeared on my iPhone client, and when I upgraded to 2.1.52 on the desktop, this glitch manifested again. Checking the dates on my browser I can see nothing that would indicate this is correct, so I surmise it is in the report itself. Hopefully, this is more helpful than static.

This is a bug: Anki 2.1.52 qt6 stats bug (Future due - Backlog)