Your review limit is preventing the due cards from being shown. Increasing the review limit should reveal more cards. Increasing the new limit by itself will not help, as it is bound by the review limit.
The “Kanjis” deck has a limit of 50 set, and that is the deck with the waiting cards. If you enable the backlog on the graph, you’ll see cards waiting from previous days.
I was just thinking about the cause of the last issue. If these options could be edited in some sort of spreadsheet rather than in isolated dialogues the misunderstanding would probably not have happened.
This first appeared on my iPhone client, and when I upgraded to 2.1.52 on the desktop, this glitch manifested again. Checking the dates on my browser I can see nothing that would indicate this is correct, so I surmise it is in the report itself. Hopefully, this is more helpful than static.