Difference between studying tagged cards and cards under sub-decks?

people say that it is better to study by tagging cards but I don’t understand the difference between studying tagged cards and cards under sub-decks?
also, can we do custom study for sub-decks?

Tag system is more flexible than decks / subdecks, since a single card can have several tags, but it can’t belong to two different decks at the same time.

You can use both, depending on your needs / preferences.


Although Anki can handle more than 100k cards
it can not handle too much decks → it will slow down, especially on mobile → to prevent this, users use tags and sub-tags to maintain the organization of the cards

but unless you got yourself more than 10-20 decks, wouldn’t worry about it (although it will vary based on the model of the phone/pc)

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Quote: [dae]
I have tweaked the wording a bit, but I would still not recommend you go wild with thousands of decks.