Deck card mix (only 20 card)

Hello there I have 15 decks with a total of 1160 cards. Some decks have 20 cards and others 180 for example.

I would like you to ask me daily for only 20 new cards in total but from different decks. (no 20 of each deck)

it’s possible? Thank you

You could go for a filtered deck (which allows you to select cards from all deck, then setting the limit to 20 cards), or putting all your decks as subdecks of a single deck, then setting the daily limit of that deck to 20.

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In what order do you display the new cards? I need it to be random

You can chose how it selects cards, and random is indeed one of the possible choices. Actually, it’s the default choice.

When I study the construction deck, the cards appear in the same order as the subdeck.

Yes, decks take cards from subdecks in order. I am not aware of a way to have a random order, this way.

When I said you could chose how it selected cards, I meant with a filtered deck.

I would suggest you to not create so many decks, and instead use tags. Currently, all you can do with decks can be achieved with tags, but the converse is not true, so I would boldly state that in the current version of Anki, managing notes with tags is better than with decks.

You could think it in this way: each deck corresponds to an independent, autonomous topic. Anki assumes that the learning of independent topics is independent, meaning that if I have two topics, say A and B, which are completely unrelated, there is no point to link how I learn A with how I learn B. For this reason, there is no real feature to enforce a daily maximum number of seen cards for both topic A and topic B (although you could enforce maximum 100 cards of A, and 20 cards of B).
Decks should be in a 1-to-1 correspondence with topics you want to learn. If you have subtopics, you should consider using tags instead of decks, because tags allow you to express a more complicated link than “is about the same topic” or “is not about the same topic”. With tags, for instance, you could express “is related to these two topics, but it’s not about these two topics”. And, thus, Anki allows you to control more finely how you study through tags.

Actually, I got it wrong. Apparently, v3 scheduler has improved how decks take cards from subdecks, so if you update to v3, it should do what you want.

I Active: Tools/Preferences/Scheduling/V3 Scheluder(beta)

but I get cards from the first subdeck and I need a mix of all the subdeck.

I also have activated: opcion of deck/new cards/Random
And: opcion of deck/display order/new card sort order/ random

Primero de todo, ¿estás usando la versión 3 del scheduler?

Si es así, en el mazo principal:

Después, en el browser, seleccionas el mazo principal y filtras solo las tarjetas nuevas:

Seleccionas todas las tarjetas (CTRL + A) y:
cards > Reposition new cards > Randomize order


Finalemente, en las opciones del mazo principal:

Because the following configuration is not enough

I Active: Tools/Preferences/Scheduling/V3 Scheluder(beta)

but I get cards from the first subdeck and I need a mix of all the subdeck.

I also have activated: opcion of deck/new cards/Random
And: opcion of deck/display order/new card sort order/ random

I have put it in the previous post

More easy:

I have 10 deck. I need to create a new block with all the cards from the 10 deck.

I need you to add 20 new cards randomly from this new block to study daily.

Has leído mi mensaje anterior?

If you speak english, could you please answer in english, so that future readers will be able to understand the solution? Thanks :smiley:

Well sorry for that. I’ve seen that OP’s native language is spanish. I’m also a native spanish speaker, that’s why I answered to the OP in spanish, to avoid confusion. I’ve seen this many times in this forum, and I thought there’s nothing wrong with that, but anyway, here’s the translated post. Hope it helps:

First of all, are you using v3 scheduler? If so, in the main deck:

Then go to Browser > Main deck > filter new cards:

Select all cards (CTRL + A) ahnd:
cards > Reposition new cards > Randomize order


Finally, select this in in the main deck:

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Nothing wrong, it’s just that the purpose of a forum is not only to answer to questions, but also to provide a Q&A for future users IMO.

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That makes life easier for the English speakers, but not as easy for the other speakers :wink: . I’m not sure we need to insist on people using English at this point - if there are other native speakers that can answer a poster in their own tongue, that seems like something we shouldn’t waste. If you’re using Chrome by the way, it has a built in option to translate the page which makes it pretty easy to follow along.

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Sorry I didn’t want to write it in Spanish. It was a copy-paste error

I have carried out all the steps on my pc (windows) but when studying on the tablet (android) I get the 20 cards from the first subdeck instead of a mixture of all the subdecks