How to Randomize Cards Across Multiple Subdecks in Anki?

I’m using Anki and have organized my cards into subdecks like this:

Main Deck

  • Subdeck A
    • Card A1
    • Card A2
    • Card A3
  • Subdeck B
    • Card B1
    • Card B2
    • Card B3
  • Subdeck C
    • Card C1
    • Card C2
    • Card C3

Each subdeck has 10 new cards. However, I feel that Anki isn’t truly randomizing the cards when I study. It seems to favor certain subdecks more than others. I would expect that if there are 10 new cards in each subdeck, the probability of any card appearing should be the same when I start studying, regardless of how many cards each subdeck contains.

Does anyone know how to make Anki randomize the cards properly across all subdecks when studying from the main deck?

What are the settings in your main deck? What is the limit of new ones in each deck?

New Card Gather Order

New Card Sort Order

Does anyone know how to make Anki randomize the cards properly across all subdecks when studying from the main deck?

What do you want to randomize? Gather Order? Sort Order?

Each subdeck has the same number of cards? I ask because then you say “regardless of how many cards each subdeck contains.” It is possible the way we randomise gathering/sorting isn’t good. Do you see a pattern in from what subdecks cards are gathered the most?

(Tbh, I’d like work on one good Shuffle order instead of multiple like we have now.)

The problem is with the new cards. I’ve set the same number of new cards to be studied per day in each subdeck, so they should have the same chance of appearing. However, some subdecks have a much larger total number of new cards overall (for example, one might have 30 total new cards, while another has 900). It seems like the randomization is based more on the total number of cards in each subdeck rather than the daily limit I’ve set. As a result, cards from the larger subdeck are almost always shown first, even though I’ve defined the daily study count equally.

What I want is to have a truly random selection based on the daily limit I set, regardless of the total number of cards in each subdeck. It feels like the current system weighs the chances toward the subdecks with more cards overall, even when they shouldn’t be prioritized for that day.

I thought the issue was with random gathering where most of the cards gathered before gathering stops were overwhelmingly from the larger decks. Surprised the sorting is affected by total cards in subdecks. I suspect there is an issue with the code itself.

I’ve rewritten my response above. Is it the same understanding you had with the previous one?

Yes, random sorting shouldn’t get affected by any of that. I’m not sure why it would.

Could you answer the questions I left above?

Does the main deck have a limit of new cards less than the sum of the limits of new subdecks?

No, the main deck uses the same profile as the other subdecks. However, since it’s the “parent,” I made sure to adjust this setting to avoid any filtering issues.

So, if I have 10 subdecks with 5 new cards each, the parent deck shows a total of 50 new cards. It’s the parent deck that I select to study from, expecting it to pull these 50 cards randomly from all subdecks.

Show the settings of your main deck.

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If anki had pulled more than the limit from one subdeck, then in another subdeck the limit would not have been completely exhausted and you could have observed one or more new ones available for study.

If the problem is not with the selection of cards. And with their subsequent sorting, you can try to set a limit of new ones for subdecks 1. Add {{Subdeck}} to the card template and see in what order the cards go. After you have studied everything, you can change the limit by 2 and look at the order again.

This seems to have resolved the issue. I think your explanation led me to another conclusion, and now it’s better understood. Thank you!

Was it happening because you selected the “Ascending position” gather order (I see you didn’t select random there).

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