Anyone have add-on ideas?


When I read the topic and thought about what would be the greatest things…

I was reluctant to propose such a great feature as to what Polar (tries to) offer because that would be a huge undertaking, I thought. And then I learned about the existing Search & PDF Reading addon which does a lot of that already!
Reviewers are quite excited about it, and I am too, but the addon still feels alpha/beta and not so actively developed. Good, rewarding things could be done there.

Second thought was about CrowdAnki, just to learn here about ankihub! You’re already working on that, so that is great news too.

More powerful formatting in the editor might be nice (without external editor plugin, which is also good to know about). I believe, the Power Format Pack is not upgraded yet. Personally, I like to use markdown instead of html for formatting, I’d like to use it for formatting source code snippets specifically.

In general, there seem to be some popular addons that are not migrated to latest Anki compatibility.

Hi. If the idea is to change the content of a card based on a review time, wouldn’t the objective also be achievable by defining dependency between different cards (one with the phrase and the other without), so that one is only present when the first is, idk, mature?

Not literally the content but what is displayed, the cards already have all the information necessary.
Having to review a sentence is a bit too long compared to a vocabulary but it’s also easier since the context acts as a hint, so you’d want to hide that “hint” as the interval grows, it would also make the anki session shorter.

To be honest I don’t know what to think about that idea anymore… I don’t feel like doing anki that much anymore so I changed all my cards to vocab cards so I can spend more time on immersion than anki(even though I don’t spend that much time on anki).

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Although perhaps through some different means, I completely agree with better ways to define and hide “hints” and also additional contexts at the back side (e.g. mnemonics).

Perhaps my add-on Tippy Tooltips satisfies your requirements. I personally use it to add additional information right where it fits, e.g.:


This is great news! I have a few ideas for add ons…

Audio to folder so that you can passive study audio from a deck. So much audio is being made now with Awesome TTS. It would be good to have a way to bounce down what you need so that you can listen to it passively as you get about your day.

  1. Select deck / field / cards
  2. Select location
  3. Export media to folder

Decks structure to mind map view (maybe a could make it a bit like Scapple)
I use anki to organise information not just study it.
Instead of having the various decks in a column format it would be good if you could also view it in a mind map structure.
This would then be good for looking at notes/organising them and revising notes.

Arrange sentences by difficulty - Stanford has free software that can break down sentences (including Chinese sentences) and analyse the words by frequency. Would be great to get something like this into Anki so that you could arrange sentences based on difficulty so that shorter sentences with more frequent words show up first.

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Id love to see a simple add-on where I can manually change a card’s ease without resetting it. It would also allow me to set a new cards ease in a easier way than to put in in a special deck with that ease in the deck options

Some things I always miss in the template editor are:

  • Basic syntax highlighting (incl. a monospace font)
  • Auto closing tags (when you end the opening tag with “>” it adds the closing one to the side).
  • Some Emmet abbreviations (writing stuff like table>(tr>td*4)*2 for a real quick table, and so on)

Might be stuff to add to the core Anki though.

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Another idea I have for an add on if for duplicate CLOZE cards.

At the moment for a CLOZE card only is the cloze and the sentence are exactly the same does it show as a duplicate.

It would be good to have something that shows what is contained in the cloze is a duplicate. So for example the words in both the sentences below would be coloured differently mark this.

Tom, {{c1::aparentemente}}, não sabe falar francês.
Ele, {{c1::aparentemente}}, sabe falar português.

I would really like for Kitten Rewards ( to be updated to newer Anki versions.

I also would love a Pokédex addon. Kind of similar to Pokemanki - AnkiWeb, but instead of having a fixed number of Pokémons and levelling them up, you should be able catch them as you do reviews (imagine that after a certain, partially random, number of reviews a pop up + image appear saying: you caught a insert Pokémon name!).
You should maybe be able to own more than 1 copy of a single Pokémon, and some Pokémons should definitely be rarer than others. Certainly, it would be extremely cool if there was some sort of Pokédex to keep track of your growing collection!

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Apparently, for performance reasons they won’t add this feature, browser auto-refresh, for cards added with ankiconnect that needs an edit from the browser like adding the screenshot and the audio.
This could probably be done outside anki with another script that updates the last added card with what’s in the clipboard or just directly recording and screenshoting with that script.

Is ‘they’ the developer of Anki or AnkiConnect?

The developer(s) of Anki, actually I’m referring to this post, so it probably isn’t true

Yeah I would have thought AnkiConnect would be the most simple place to implement this, since a different add-on would have to monitor the collection for changes and wouldn’t always know when a refresh is actually needed.

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Also, nevermind, we found a solution with sharex, this action solve the issue from a site I probably can’t share author is R.

-NoProfile -Command "$medianame = \"%input\" | Split-Path -leaf; $data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' -Body '{\"action\": \"findNotes\", \"version\": 6, \"params\": {\"query\":\"added:1\"}}'; $sortedlist = $data.result | Sort-Object -Descending {[Long]$_}; $noteid = $sortedlist[0]; Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' -Body \"{`\"action`\": `\"updateNoteFields`\", `\"version`\": 6, `\"params`\": {`\"note`\":{`\"id`\":$noteid, `\"fields`\":{`\"Picture`\":`\"<img src=$medianame>`\"}}}}\"; "

and for linux we have ames

An addon that un-tags leeches when you’ve answered them correctly for X amount of times in a row. Like a reverse-leech function :slight_smile:


I have a bunch of huge premade decks with high quality audios with field like:
1sentence(我希望避免所有的挫折) 2audio 3translating etc
I also have a my own deck with my own words that im currently studying, but with out sentence example and audio. for example
1word(挫折) 2 translation etc
It would be really SUPER helpful if such addon can go through all my other decks, or deck that i chose and grab few fields from that decks and copy to my own deck.
For example I have word 挫折 and I need content for it, addon go through another deck (premade deck1) and find cards containes that word, for instant if it see sentence 我希望避免所有的挫折 contain word 挫折 it gonna copy [audio] and sentence example to my own deck.
So if premade1 deck have card with 挫折 > then copy field 1,2,3 and past to owndeck card 挫折 field 3,4,5
I hope I explain well my idea, there is tons premade decks with good audio example sentences, including s2srs. I really want to use them as source of audio/exaple sentence rather that AI TTS.

It would really useful if there was a port of Advanced Previewer - AnkiWeb
or another addon which allows you to study cards directly from the browser
(at the moment you can Set the Due Date, but that skips all the learning steps so it is very suboptimal)

Zotero Integration with Anki would be very useful in the field of Medicine !

  • Download an article with Zotero (+Sci-Hub extension :smiley: )
  • Read it on Zotero 6.0 new PDF reader
  • Highlight words and phrases and automatically create Anki cards directly from PDF in Zotero
  • Automatically add the DOI of Scientific article on Anki card (allows easy retrieval of the original article in the future)
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Could you (or somebody else) please update the Automatic Basic to Cloze addon so that it correctly changes the textbox to red if it’s about to add a duplicate? Right now it only does so for basic cards, not for clozes. Thank you!