Anyone have add-on ideas?

We recently received a very generous donation and would like to use it to give back to the community. We’ve started on multiple projects already, but would like to continue to create more.

What add-on ideas do you have that would be helpful to many members of this community?

You can also suggest updates to current add-ons (new features or updates to get them to the latest Anki version).

Also as an FYI, we are already working with Glutanimate to get many of his add-ons updated to the latest Anki version.


I think an add-on that auto-tag and discard tags based on certain triggers would be great.
Just like “leech” tags, but with a lot of variarity.

For exemple:

Tags a card when:

Hit X times “Easy”, “Good” or “Hard” in X period of time.
Discard “leech” or any other chose tag after hitting X times “Easy”, “Good” or "Hard.

You could add a lot of triggers and let the user choose the parameters. That way anki’s users would have much more control over the status of cards and quickly find them searching for tags.


I have a half-baked idea about an addon that could place unseen new cards in an intelligent order based on shared keywords. For example, imagine a 50,000 card deck that covers topics a huge range of topics, from ancient history, to geography, to pop culture, to hard sciences, to etymology. Now imagine that somebody is coming into the deck cold. They can either review the deck in the order it was made, or they can review it randomly, or they can manually pick and choose which topics/tags to start with (though that would be slow). But what if there was a way they could intelligently tackle the deck by building off of keywords in a web?

For example, say they started by learning a card about Hannibal (the ancient general from Carthage). The addon could intelligently sort the remaining cards into an order that forms a sort of tree, branching out from the keyword “Hannibal” at the center. It might give you a few questions about Hannibal, Missouri, then branch into a few about Mark Twain (famous author from Hannibal). Then a few questions expanding on Twain’s works, and then maybe a few about Hannibal Lector, the character played by Anthony Hopkins in “The Silence of the Lambs.” Then some questions about other films that Anthony Hopkins was in, such as “Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992).” Then some questions about who wrote “Dracula.” Then some about Carthage (the place where Hannibal, the general, was from). Etc. etc., expanding outward in a large web in some intelligent way so that the learner always has some connections between what they’re currently learning and what they already learned!

Sort of like PopUpDictionary, but for generating an intelligent order for new cards.

Without such an addon, leaners don’t have an easy way to intelligently order their cards, and might be stuck receiving a random question about Mark Twain followed by an unconnected question about Aretha Franklin followed by an unconnected question about polar bears. The random and unconnected order of the cards would prevent them from building links between the material in their mind, leaving them less likely to be able to form solid, interlocking memories.

I’m sure this would be a very complicated undertaking. But I can see it being a rewarding one for large premade decks, such as trivia decks that contain a wide assortment of topics. Another example: the Great Works of Art deck would be more accessible if people had an option to start from, say, Raphael and then intelligently branch into other “High Renaissance” (keyword) or “Italian” (keyword) artists, etc. rather than just throwing all the art together somewhat randomly. Maybe even could have useful applications for people learning languages from large decks of sentences, to help them connect new vocabulary words together by seeing them in a variety of different sentences.


Also, I would love an equivalent to this addon that works with current Anki versions:

Basically, all it does is:

  • make it so that shift+ctl+c still adds the Cloze bracket, even if your note type in the add window is set to basic.
  • make it so that if you add a card that contains Cloze syntax on the front (e.g. {{c1::xyz}}), it will automatically add it as a Cloze note type, even if your note type in the add window is set to basic
  • make it so that if you add a card that contains no Cloze syntax on the front, it will automatically add it as a basic note type, even if your note type in the add window is currently set to Cloze

As somebody who constantly adds a mixture of basic and cloze cards, this addon is a real timesaver and removes the need to tediously switch between note types when doing so.

It’s a great add on with lots of positive reviews, except for the fact that it no longer works in 2.1.45.


I have some, haha.
I’m gonna try to elaborate them in a comprehensible way here.

  1. Crosswords: Before I started using Anki, I used to use a free software called EclipseCrossword to create crosswords. It let’s you save it in a file containing HTML + CSS + JavaScript so, once I started using Anki and understood that you can make use of these 3 languages to create custom notetypes I emailed the guy behind Eclipse to ask him to build an analogous Anki add-on. At that time, he answered that he found the idea interesting and was going to put it in his to-do list… but it was years ago and, as far as I can tell, no such add-on was built. So, maybe you guys can make this idea come true.
    Let’s not forget that crosswords are one of the best exercises for memoy, right!

  2. Add-on to let the user set goals and track his/her progress in the main page: Well, it’s kind of a mix of Anki Simulator with “Countdown to Events and Exams”. Imagine you have 1,000 new cards and you have to master them in the next 3 months. So you set a due date, and get a simulation. Now, comes the difference from the way Anki Simulator currently is: with this improvement I’m suggesting, it’ll create a progress bar (or circle) in a dashboard in the main page showing the work you have done vs the work you still have to do.
    (Something like this - yeah… I adapted it from Trello :sweat_smile:)

It’s important to show this dashboard in the main page (“Decks”) so the user can have this information in a more handy way.

(Something like this)

  1. Make it possible to click in the words “Due” and “New” (in the “Decks” tab) to load a filtered deck for all the due or new cads. It’d be good if it was possible to preselect a specific deck you want to study or review (e.g. a checkbox besides the name of the deck).

Hope these ideas are viable and you find them interesting.


Advanced Study Timer:

  • it will not only show reviews but also the time of new cards added
  • The timer can also be started and stopped manually.
  • pomodoro timer and stopwatch
  • daily, weekly, monthly, yearly statistics and charts, ,
  • and maybe a to-do list (this can also be a standalone add-on)

In other words, there may be an add-on such as Forest and Focus To-Do apps in Google Play and Appstore, although it does not have as advanced features as them, it is sufficient if it performs basic functions.

:clap: :clap: Good News!!

Interesting suggestion. This addon and also this addon can be a starting point to create the addon that you are suggesting.

I think your suggestion number 2 would be relevant for a lot of people. I always see people asking how to make a plan in order to use anki for a test (for example, this discussion). This addon would make Anki stronger for short/medium term goals, which is the main interest for a lot of users.

If reverse cards are not relevant to you, I recommend that you use only a Cloze note type, and to make a “Basic” kind of card simply write like that:


I got this tip from Prerak and Ali Abdaal and never had to worry about that again.

My request: prefilled fields (aka auto populate a field; field template).

I have a field where I usually put a table that I fill according to the note contents. I save the table template (already filled with some column titles, formatting, etc) in a separate template note, so, in every new note I need to paste the table template. So, it would be useful to have a way to set a template to be used as a prefill for a given field. Even better if there is a dropdown with multiple templates to be chosen.

Stick fields (frozen fields) doesn’t work, because in every new card I need an empty table template (and not with the contents of the last added note). Using the card template also doesn’t work, because I need to manipulate the table (add rows, merge cells, etc).

This is useful for users who use content that is standardized, but also needs some manipulation. For example, this user.

So, with that we would have 3 kinds of standardization to be used:
-Fixed standardization: card template
-Ephemeral standardization: stick fields
-Flexible standardization: prefilled fields


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I didn’t know the “Mortician”, but it is very limited. My idea is to have way more triggers than it does right now. In the future, if no one implements my idea by then, I’ll start doing it by myself, so thanks a lot for indicating the Add-on, it will serve me as reference.

The main problem around “Automatic Basic 2 Cloze” is that they limited the function, so we lost a lot of time. E.g. they removed the shortcut to cloze in basic types notes.

I have another idea for an “add pronunciation” add-on. Right now I don’t know of any way to add pronunciation help to a word unless you just make a separate field for sound or something. Occasionally I’ll have cards where I want pronunciation guides in the card. E.g.

{{c1::Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn::who?}} wrote “One Day in the Life of {{c2::Ivan Denisovich}}”

I might want pronunciation help for both c1 and c2. Right now I don’t know of a good way to do this. I would love an addon where I could highlight “Solzhenitsyn” or “Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,” record a correct pronunciation, and have that pronunciation saved so that in future when reviewing the card I could hear the pronunciation by simply mousing over the term.

Do you know MorphMan? It is intended for language learning.

Actually, it seems like it is one of the add-ons that are most in need of development.

I’ve been reading the titles of issues and merge requests. So if you (or anyone else reading this) feels up to the challenge, you can create an issue with MAINTAINER REQUEST I want to be maintainer of this project and I will give you the rights :slight_smile:

A way to share decks protected by a password would be really useful for educational purposes.

One personal example : I am a doctor implicated in medical students teaching in my hospital and to help them I have made 1500 pedagogical flashcards. Not so much doctors are as much implicated in teaching in our country. I want these flashcards to be free but I hope that motivated students will come to our department knowing that we are spending time for their learning. So I am wondering to protect these decks in order to keep them for the students of our department and not to be shared 1 day later with all the students of the country that don’t even know us.


zoom in/out: I wish the addon would work on the preview window (from the cards browser).
Currently, I have the addon “Anki zoom”, but it only works on the main window, and when reviewing.

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I have 2 ideas of addons:

  • one for shared deck with a lot of files in it (pics, audio, etc.): a SIMPLE way for the author to share the deck from another server then AnkiWeb’s (which limits deck size to 250Mb).
    Goal: any user could download and then sync all his deck with one button, and the add-on would be in charge to sync each deck from its original server.

  • another one to let, like in GitHub or software shared development platform, a shared deck user to submit, with buttons, any request/file/recording/mistake correction/new card/etc. to the author.

:smile: that would let many deck to be ‘opensourcely’ better, better, and so better!


Hi all,
[ My coding skill is nil, so pardon me if the suggestions are blunders]

  1. I would like to see the Incremental reading process to get integrated to anki. There is already two addons with name- incremental reading and Searching, PDF Reading & Note-Taking in Add Dialog. But the problem is that no much details on how to use is provided… So incremental reading along with Clozet addon will be a very good one.

  2. If possible make one Voice typing addon, this will help in saving time on typing.

  3. In Closet image occlusion, can we make the occluded active box to show a question…

Thank you , wishing you all a happy healthy and prosperous days ahead. :smiley: :smiley:

Check out

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Check out this is 1.5 yrs and $10k in the works. Hoping to have an alpha in the upcoming months :slight_smile:


I dream of a an extension for basic source management: My basic card template has a field source, where I add literature the content is based on (sometimes books, sometimes papers). Currently I copy citations into this field and add some basic formatting. I regularly write citations that I have used before. An add-one could provide a catalog of user defined citations which rapidly could be added to the field (e.g. via a list of search view that is invoked using a button/keystroke).

Captain, allow me to dream here?!

I was thinking of an add-on that would be able to generate backlinks, both for cards and for entire notes (in the case of multiple clozes).

This add-on could create a field in each note (or the user himself would create the specific field) where the note or card that references it would appear as a hyperlink.

On the other side, the reference would be added in the add window by a search bar while creating the card, which would also be created as a kind of hyperlink, either in the front, back or extra field text.

In this approach, the referenced note or card would store all the information of those who make references to them (in the specific field).

Part of this is already possible to be done with the add-on link Cards Notes and Preview them in extra window - AnkiWeb, but this suggestion would make the process automated as in Obsidian or Roam.

Well you asked for ideas, not how to make them achievable haha

I love your YouTube channel, I don’t miss a video.

I personally would love to have a management add-on that - similarly to how Asset Manager is a central point for my note template development - allows me to select specific Anki hooks and write startup commands, attach some JavaScript/CSS files and load it like it was its own add-on.

My last three add-ons all have their functionality in JavaScript - Python is really only used to hook them in - and I think this is the future, as Anki is moving more and more towards web components. A way to minimize add-on clutter would be to have one manager for small “extensions” that don’t really need to be distributed as separate add-ons.