Anyone have add-on ideas?

An addon that checks a field where you are pasting to remove any  

Everytime you type a space and then paste, a   is added to the card. This is a known bug that has been going on forever in anki. Just try googling &nbsp anki to read about dozen of threads of people suffering this in several forums. This is a related thread explaining the issue

The issue wasn’t that it’s hard, rather too easy to justify publishing an add-on for it. But here you go:


@dae can we just build this into Anki? Seems silly to require an addon for this but it is definitely annoying, especially on the mobile platform


The problem is that some people do actually use  , so an automatic find and replace action might be destructive. Someone explained their use case in the forum once, but I couldn’t find the thread.

What wouldn’t be destructive is dealing with the   that are automatically appended by CodeMirror. If there’s a reliable method to differentiate that from actual user input, I’d be all for it.

First, thank you very much @kleinerpirat This addon is awesome and i predict many people installing it :slight_smile:

This probably ends my battle with anki adding this and me removing them

Second, Im not sure all the cases where this nbsp is added, but i found out that is always added when you type a space at the end and then paste

Not sure if you can detect when somebody paste text, but thats the moment where you could check if the previous character is nbsp and remove it if thats the case

Addon idea: an editor button that inserts ruby annotations!

Integration with Zotero, especially a way to quickly or even automatically insert citations.

Compare its word processor plugins.


I use non-breaking spaces so that clozes don’t get split across lines. I can restore them with a script but I’m sure some users would be furious if Anki replaced them all without asking. Perhaps what should be considered is a variation of the ‘remove formatting’ button that’s a bit more aggressive. The current one leaves other stuff behind sometimes as well.

I’m using Anki to study Spanish verb conjugations. My notes include all possible conjugations for a given tense. But, there are a few regionalisms that I am electing not to study at the present time (e.g. Spanish “vosotros”, Argentinian “vos”). So, I have been using conditional replacement fields to not create cards for these. The problem is that this necessitates adding content to a specific field on every single note.

I could, of course, just remove those card templates. But I would like to make changing these decisions possible without editing every note, and/or enable other users to make a different choice if they wished.

My idea is to allow the user to define – on a deck level – “switches” that can be queried in a card to trigger conditional replacement. This would allow a user to “fine tune” what they study in a way that tags cannot.

Can this be done with an add-on? If so, is there anyone who would be willing to implement this?

I’ll second this suggestion. It would be useful to have other ways of triggering card generation, and to perhaps make them more discoverable, rather than being based on whether the card is empty or not which is the only way to do it now. Rather than in the deck settings, I would have thought the card template dialog would be the place for this - perhaps a box to put a JS snippet for each card which evaluates each note to determine whether to create the card.

My Chinese vocabulary notes have a simplified card, and if the traditional characters are different, they also have a traditional card. That’s handled by a third field which is automatically filled by a spreadsheet before importing, but it would be nice if I could tell Anki to generate traditional cards based on whether the content of the simplified and traditional fields were the same or different.

I dont know if this is still active, but i would love an addon that added a checkbox in the “add new card” window that allowed me to add the card to the head of the pile instead of random or at the end

I think it shouldnt be too hard, since the number to insert the cart at is already there in the reposition window and by the name of queue top

Okay, i created my first addon with my own suggestion

I have no idea what im doing, but it works so… I hope is useful to somebody else

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Idea: A spellchecker that integrates LanguageTool.

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You can use the Batch Editing add-on

Suggestion: updating Bury Cousins (related cards that aren’t siblings) for the v3 scheduler.

If the v2 way of working (i.e., reschedule on review) cannot be reimplemented (due to missing hooks), perhaps there is a way to implement it like this: the user opens the tools or AnKing menu in the top bar and clicks on “bury cousins”, which reschedules cousins all at once.

  • [Function Request]In learning new cards, more cards can be run at the same time to produce the effect closer to the upper limit.the idea is in the text,seek experts to make it

  • Please allow me to give an example.

  • Suppose there are 50 cards for learning the pronunciation of new words. The front of the card is the word, and the back of the card is the pronunciation. One card has a time interval of 3s, and the other 49 cards have a time interval of 3min. These 50 cards is due.

  • Suppose the review order is: review the one card with 3s interval first, and then review the 49 cards with 3min interval.

  • If the default order of Anki is followed, this situation will occur: first review the first 3s card (according to intuition, this card needs to be reviewed again within 10s to produce memory exercise effect, otherwise review is almost invalid), then review the second card, review the third card… until the fiftieth card is reviewed, finally, review the first card again (the card with the original interval of 3s), However, the review time of 49 cards has passed, and it is too long for the first card (the card with the original interval of 3s). This review interval is almost destructive to the memory effect of this card.

  • So I hope that the above card review order can be changed as follows:

  • The first card (the card with an interval of 3s), review, good, the second card (the card with an interval of 3 minutes), review, good, the third card (the card with an interval of 3 minutes), review, good, the fourth card (the card with an interval of 3 minutes), review, good. After 3s,the first card is due. Then let the first card (the card with the original interval of 3s) become the next card, instead of continuing to review the fifth card (the card with the interval of 3 minutes), and then the sixth card… until 49 cards, the first card (the card with the original interval of 3s) will appear again. In this way, the computer processing capability can be used to running multiple cards at the same time in a short period of time, and better time utilization and preliminary memory efficiency than manual operation can be obtained.

  • I hope I can get help. This is very useful for learning a large number of new cards with little logic and content. Anki can help me learn new cards better. This may require an additional component to implement it, so that the cards in the learning stage with a high interval will not interfere with the cards in the learning state with a low interval, so as to prevent the new card from becoming the leech of this stage in the first learning stage. This should be optimized. Please,help me,I will deeply grateful.

  • List item

I tried to describe the addon idea here. The idea is to access the search results from the card during the review of the card.


Would it be possible to make an add-on that skips relearning steps?

  • Anki settings example:

relearning steps: 1h 5h 3d 6d

1h(step 1)

5h(step 2)

3d(step 3)

6d(step 4)

  • How Anki works without add-ons.

When reviewing a card and I press the “again button” the card will appear again in 1 hour(step 1). The next time I study the card, if I press the “good button”, the next interval will be 5h(step 2).

  • Goal

When reviewing a card and I press the “again button” the card will appear again in 1 hour(step 1), but If for some reason I am not able to open Anki for 4 days(last review interval). When I finally study this card, Anki will compare the last review interval and skip each step inferior to that interval.

In this case, when I press the “good button”, the card would appear 6d(step 4) later.

If I could only study 7 days later, the relearning steps would be completely ignored and the next interval would be based purely on the last review interval as it is for non-lapse review cards.

  • Code:

get “interval” between “last review date” and “current date”.


if interval > current step

skip to the next step.

I don’t know anything about programming so this is a stupid example of code.

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An addon suggestion: a TinyMCE, CKEditor 4 or equivalent editor for the editor input fields. Markdown input contains all code necessary (except the actual editor code) to insert a JavaScript-based editor in the editor fields, e.g. strip away the unified.js code for HTML ⇔ Markdown conversion and replace the CM6 code with TinyMCE code. Not saying that the Markdown input code is perfect (far from it) but I think it does contain implementations that could be used as sample code for most/all integration (including image/media pasting) so the effort should be limited. The advantage of such an addon is the better general editing experience (table editing etc) without having to open a separate window. The downside is that any existing addons that target the built-in rich text input wouldn’t work in the JavaScript editor.

An addon suggestion: a TinyMCE , CKEditor 4 or equivalent editor for the editor input fields. Markdown input contains all code necessary (except the actual editor code) to insert a JavaScript-based editor in the editor fields, e.g. strip away the unified.js code for HTML ⇔ Markdown conversion and replace the CM6 code with TinyMCE code.

For anyone interested, when porting Markdown input to the 2.1.56 platform I separated out the editor integration as a separate class, CustomInputAPI so it should be more straight forward for anyone wanting to use it.