Anyone have add-on ideas?

The AnkiScript addin addresses some of the issues that you mention. Ideally there would be the ability to have a server side addin so that new course modules could be added for both desktop and mobile clients when synching.

Can you update this add on?
It’s very usful that I made 4 shortcuts to quick change of 4 note types that I used and That boost adding cards, but I downgrade because of that, thanks for your help.

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About remove clozes:
Use find and replace.




Edit: I put other values in the image, but the result will be the same.

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You can customize note type shortcuts with this addon: Switch Note Type Hotkey


Thanks, I upgraded anki to .48 and it works fine,
A small note that when I use “Opening the same window multiple time” add on, it is only work in one of the opening add windows not all of them,not a big deal anyway,thanks for your help

Add-on suggestion: Command palette i.e. something similar to what’s in Sublime, Atom, VS code etc: A keyboard shortcut to bring up a text field that searches in “everything” for commands, whether add-ons or core Anki (see video for general idea, not specific examples: Sublime Text Command Palette (Tutorial #4) - YouTube). Bear in mind I haven’t looked the slightest into the feasibility (the GUI part should be simple enough but how to “find commands” in Anki and add-ons?) so this may very well be practically impossible.


I’d like an addon that would allow you to go back one learning step with a given card in the learning phase after you fail it as opposed to either going back to step one or repeating the current step.

If there were an add-on to choose which fields in a card are or are not played by TTS, it would be awesome. I’ve been struggling with this for ages. :frowning:

Are you using the native tts filter? AFAIK, this is already supported. See Field Replacements - Anki Manual

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Wondering if it is possible to create “Crash Course” template as an add-on
basically a multiple choice template (5 answers) with an ability to transform to basic card (just the correct answer) and vice-versa (aka hide all the others answers)


Q: What animal has a really long neck?

1. A monkey.
2. A giraffe.
3. A donkey.
4. A snail.
Q: What animal has a really long neck?

A: A giraffe.
A monkey, A donkey, A snail -> would be hidden

(Quiz Mode)

(Basic card)

Another add-on idea: Legend as you type (idea partly from the excellent Symbols as you type). Have a configurable list of abbreviations and full name, e.g.
DA: Dopamine
HA: Histamine
5-HT: Serotonin
NGC: Neutrophil Granulocyte
MC: Mast cell

The add-on then monitors the editor and inserts legend entries when detected in the monitored field, example: the user types MC release HA and the add-on inserts the HA and MC entries last in a configurable field.

Seems straightforward to write (hook on note save or something like that, not as time critical as the Symbol as you type since the insertions are not in the field you are editing), the main challenges are probably configuration:

  • List of abbreviations is probably easiest to edit in a plain text file and the add-on parses the file
  • Determine/configure which fields to monitor and which field to insert legend into - how to handle different note types.
  • If inserting into a field which is not exclusively used for the legend (like inserting on the backside of a basic card) keep track of which abbreviations have been inserted, taking into consideration that the user may enter non-configured abbreviations manually etc.

The add-on then monitors the editor and inserts legend entries

Can’t this be done – systemwide – with the plethora of text expansion tools out there?

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This is probably best done with an outside app. I use keyboard maestro and Alfred on Mac and they work great

See My Top 10 Favorite Productivity Apps My Top 10 Favorite Productivity Apps - YouTube

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That’s available right now with the Closet addon and using this note template here

Hey, thanks for the reply. I gave it a try and it worked but it seems impossible to edit it onto already made cards with the regular Image occlusion addon. Fingers crossed the feature on IMO that is being worked on will be able to do that. otherwise I’ll use closet for sure :slight_smile:

Because of the way that note type is designed it won’t be possible to convert the original IO cards into the one by one type unfortunately. I imagine some very complex add-on could potentially do it, but it would be quite complicated because the IO cards are essentially just multiple images on top of each other

Can you update this addon?

Oh yeah, misunderstood you there. I wish it could convert I/O cards to the new template, but no such luck.

It would be immensely useful if there were an add-on that combined the functions of Bury related notes and Delay siblings, namely if it did delay sibling’s core function of delaying cards but instead of siblings generated by the same note, it would be applied to cards of any note type that would share the set tag, opening up the possibility of having the delay sibling function applied across note types with cards that are not siblings but that share a similar content that makes recalling the other card easier, such as a cloze and a basic note type of the same subject, maybe not necessarily using the tagging mechanism since it is applied in all cards generated by the tagged note, maybe a flag could work better since these apply to individual cards.

The beta has a duplicate note feature which could somewhat fill this need; I do agree that default values for fields is a good idea though - it’d be great when some JS is need in the field, but no doubt there are lots of other uses.