Wrong window closes on command-w

The wrong window sometimes closes when using the close window keyboard shortcut in Anki for Mac Version ⁨24.11 (87ccd24e)⁩.

Repro steps:

  1. Open the Anki application.
  2. In the main (User 1) window, click Add (to open the Add window) and then click Browse (to open the Browse window).
  3. Click the title bar of the Add window, to focus it.
  4. Press command-w.

Expected: the Add window should close, since it’s focused.
Actual: the Browse window closes.

Can you reproduce the issue using the Esc key instead?

If I do the same steps but press Esc instead of command-w, the correct window (i.e., the Add window, because it’s focused) closes. So, it looks like the problem is specifically to do with the command-w shortcut.

Thank you for the report; I’ve logged this on Wrong window closes on command-w · Issue #3659 · ankitects/anki · GitHub

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