Update shared deck whose name has changed


I’m really sorry to bother you with my peculiar problem. I shared this deck a while ago. It had mistakes so I wanted to update it. The problem is that when I click “share”, it suggests a void page as if it was the first time I share the deck.

I downloaded the old version of the deck : the name was “CELLIER::Géographie::Sous-préfectures”. The name on my computer is “:heavy_check_mark: CELLIER::󠄚:world_map: Géographie::Sous-préfectures” so I tried to change to the emoji-free name, then sync, then click “share” on ankiweb but still a void page. The first release was in may 2020 with old scheduler. Deck id has not changed. This is the “decks” table of the database (before and today) :

Before :

id name mtime_secs usn
1581772015982 CELLIER\037Géographie\037Sous-préfectures 1639910353 -1

Now :

id name mtime_secs usn
1581772015982 CELLIER\037Géographie\037Sous-préfectures 1639908287 9414

So it seems good to me… but it is not. How can I re-link my deck to the shared deck ?

Thanks a lot !!

When you originally shared it, you had a leading space that Anki no longer allows. I’ve adjusted it on AnkiWeb’s end, and it should work now.

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It works. Thanks a lot, you rock !