Unlock new cards based on other cards' intervals

Sample Problem:

I’m studying Japanese on Anki using a premade deck. Let’s say I want to study the word 大人. In order to learn 大人, I must be good enough in the kanji 大 and 人. I want the intervals for my 大 and 人 cards to be at least 20 days before I can study the 大人 card.

Tried Solutions:

  • Searched for a built-in feature in Anki (nothing satisfies me).
  • Tried to find an add-on. I came across MorphMan and AnkiMorph, but:
    • They are hard to install.
    • They are made for language learning, but I also use Anki to memorize math definitions.
    • MorphMan is no longer maintained. AnkiMorph lacks YouTube tutorials (I failed to install both properly).
  • Manually updated the 大人 card once I had reached enough interval in both 大 and 人. This is mentally exhausting since I must keep tracks for a lot of cards, not just 大人.

I wonder if the suspend functionality could be updated for that.

Basically you’d have a suspend until option and you can set your own rules in it. The rules could be something like this:

if card_guid.interval > 20:

You’d have a lot of freedom with this kind of approach.
Sounds complicated to implement though and would probably only be used by advanced users.

I’ve thought about this too and would love this.

I don’t think so. I could see someone making a really great “progressive difficulty vocab deck” then sharing it with a bunch of people.

Hey, I am currently working on an extension that has some overlap with this idea. Using the unsuspend(unlock) and suspend(lock) functions.

I doing something along these lines in my implementation:

def on_card_grade(note: Note):
  if 0 <= note.note_successful_reviews <= 4:

  elif 5 <=  note.note_successful_reviews <= 9:

Right now I have a window where a user can set the number of reviews a card_type must go through till you can go to the next card type.

There is more to it of course but I have been thinking of implementing a unsuspend(unlock) and suspend(lock) system for seperate notes.

Why I bring this up is what your asking for resembles what I have done in my addon already:

IF there was some way to elegantly track and maintain links between cards not in the same note, then this idea is very possible.

With your idea, I actually have been wanting to develop for some time now. I just so happen to be searching for another post where someone had wanted a very similar system. But I found this more recent post instead.