I’m studying Japanese on Anki using a premade deck. Let’s say I want to study the word 大人. In order to learn 大人, I must be good enough in the kanji 大 and 人. I want the intervals for my 大 and 人 cards to be at least 20 days before I can study the 大人 card.
Tried Solutions:
Searched for a built-in feature in Anki (nothing satisfies me).
Tried to find an add-on. I came across MorphMan and AnkiMorph, but:
They are hard to install.
They are made for language learning, but I also use Anki to memorize math definitions.
MorphMan is no longer maintained. AnkiMorph lacks YouTube tutorials (I failed to install both properly).
Manually updated the 大人 card once I had reached enough interval in both 大 and 人. This is mentally exhausting since I must keep tracks for a lot of cards, not just 大人.
There is more to it of course but I have been thinking of implementing a unsuspend(unlock) and suspend(lock) system for seperate notes.
Why I bring this up is what your asking for resembles what I have done in my addon already:
IF there was some way to elegantly track and maintain links between cards not in the same note, then this idea is very possible.
With your idea, I actually have been wanting to develop for some time now. I just so happen to be searching for another post where someone had wanted a very similar system. But I found this more recent post instead.