I’m unclear as to exactly what you mean by this. Do you mean you want to automatically control when a sibling card is scheduled for review; something like what the person in this thread was asking for? If the existing deck settings for burying siblings doesn’t provide what you want, then it’s quite tricky to do with JS in the custom scheduling but may be possible.
It could be easier with an addon but that’s of course not an option, if this is something you want to work in AnkiDroid/AnkiMobile as well.
You can implement almost any kind of scheduling scheme with the custom scheduling code. Yours is definitely possible, possibly excepting the (to me yet unclear) part about controlling the reverse card.
- Remove the fuzz factor completely.
This might be one exception, though I’m not sure. I think the fuzz is already applied to the interval you get in custom scheduling and removing that would require essentially recalculating the interval based on the current interval. Then there’s also the new Load balancer feature which I believe modifies the intervals after you answer the card and is on by default.
Another consideration is whether the custom scheduling is something you want in in every deck or only some decks. The custom scheduler is global like FSRS in that, if enabled, it applies to all decks. To only apply to some decks you’ll need to add a bunch more code and modify your card templates to implement a system where the card’s deck is communicated to the JS in custom scheduling. An example of this is in the old FSRS custom scheduling code linked to in the Anki manual.
A similar scheme could be used to communicate the card type to the custom scheduling code as well.
The “10min 1h 1h” part sounds like learning steps? You can certainly repeat the same interval in learning steps like “1h 1h 1h” to get three learning steps each an hour apart.
I’ve made my own custom scheduling code and can say that this can be big ask depending on the complexity but you can certainly post a request in this forum. Describe your exact specs in detail.
As it happens I just posted a how-to guide on custom scheduling in another thread, so perhaps you could try it out yourself? Personally, I’d be interested in making the guide even better for people new to coding rather than making specific code for one person; “teach a man to fish” and so on…