Ultimate Birds deck

Thanks for creating this deck. I downloaded it a week ago and am currently using it to learn the common birds of Norway.

I went through the process of downloading media for those cards and it went without a hitch. I do have one problem though and am wondering if there is a solution.

I noticed that my collection is now >10 gigs (while I am not currently using AnkiWeb sync for this deck it would be nice to be able to do so in the future, and 10gigs is at the upper limit of what dae likes to see). Looking through the Anki folder I noticed that some of the audio recordings are particularly big:

These recordings are also particularly long (>10 minutes) which make them unsuitable for flashcards.

I am therefore wondering if it is possible to selectively keep recordings of a limited duration (say <30 seconds) or some size (say <10MiB).