I’ve been using Anki for a long time, and have previously had my decks synced across a phone, desktop, laptop and tablet.
Currently, I can access my decks and sync them without problems on phone, desktop and tablet. However, on the laptop (Anki desktop app, most recent version), I am repeatedly getting an error that my username or password is incorrect, despite this not being the case. When I tried to check the account on the Ankiweb site, I get an error that an account with that username doesn’t exist. I know this is not the case as it is the username listed on AnkiMobile on my phone, which is syncing correctly.
The email address you’re writing from has an account - please check you don’t accidentally have the caps lock on, and are not entering it with a space at the start or end.
I know the email address has an account because I’m using it on some devices. It seems that any device I was already signed in on is fine, but to re-login to a device or log in to AnkiWeb throws an error that the account doesn’t exist.
If I enter your email address into AnkiWeb’s login page and a random password, it says that the password is incorrect rather than the account missing. If you’re receiving a message about there being no account when logging in to AnkiWeb, please triple-check what you’re typing in, as it seems that what you’re entering in must be slightly different.