Set a anki profile as default?

Hello dear community

I have several Anki profiles. I use one of them most often, can I somehow set it to start automatically by default and then I have to make a switch manually if I want to open another profile?


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You could probably create a shell script and run the script instead. E.g. in linux the following opens anki with a profile (-p) called default:

anki -p default

If you want to switch, you can switch just like you’d normally do via ankis shortcuts or the menubar.


Uhh thanks @Anon_0000 !

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Anki will open by default to to the last profile you used. But you can use a startup command like that to either open a specific profile, or open to the profile switcher. In Windows, you can do it my modifying the shortcut – Managing Files - Anki Manual.

[But just for you to think about: Profiles - Anki Manual – do you really need several profiles? There aren’t many situations where that’s the best solution, and it’s especially prone to data loss due to mis-syncing.]

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