"Server aborted" error message when trying to sync cards to AnkiWeb

Hello, my Anki Desktop app was syncing to AnkiWeb just fine up until now. I purchased the iOS app and downloaded the cards to my phone and was having no issues. However, now I am getting a “server aborted” message when I try to sync, and when I open or close the Anki Desktop app. I’ve still been making cards for my studies and review from the desktop but they’re not syncing to my AnkiWeb account and can’t retrieve them on my phone and use them there anymore. I tried making sure it wasn’t a firewall or VPN issue but no success there. Does anyone know how I can start syncing again without losing my cards? Thanks.

Could you please post the whole error message?

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Please see AnkiUniversal is not supported here - Frequently Asked Questions


As the link above says, you’re not using the official Anki app.


I was able to download the official Anki app, download my decks from the unofficial one and import them into the official one, then upload them to my AnkiWeb account. Now I have all my cards on my phone.

Thanks for your help!

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Keep in mind that unofficial does not necessarily mean bad. If you prefer the other app, it’s not an issue. It’s just that support for that app is not provided here, you should go on the site of AnkiUniversal for that. That being said, according to the manual, AnkiUniversal is currently lacking features with respect to official clients, so if you have no particular reason for not doing so, I’d recommend using the official app.

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