Review Sort Order: Is "Deck, Order Added" Possible?

I have a large number of decks created with sub2srs, and I want to review them in sequence without disrupting the flow. My goal is to review all subdecks in order, and within each deck, I want the cards to appear in the order they were added. When I select ‘Order Added’ in the Review Sort Order, cards from different decks appear mixed based on their added order.

I understand that reviewing in this way may negatively impact my learning process, but my aim is to streamline reviews as much as possible to save time. I want to focus primarily on immersion, so simplifying the review process seems practical. Is there a way to keep the decks in order, while also displaying each deck’s cards in their original added order?

You can determine the order in which new cards are fed to you, but there’s no way (to the best of my knowledge) to dictate the order in which all review cards are presented to you.

I don’t think this will be possible – unless you want to click on each deck individually to study.

The Review sort of “Order added” migrated over from Filtered decks to standard decks as a concession to folks in certain fields using cloze/IO for whom seeing the cards out of order spoiled the answers to other cards. Outside of that one special case (and even within that case), it’s still not a great idea to study your cards in the same order every day. What you’re asking for is an even more strict order – and for cards that aren’t spoiling other cards (or am I mistaken?) – which makes it sound like an even worse idea.

I think if you want to have a lighter Anki workload and more immersion time, it seems like there are better ways to do it than putting your cards in order, so they are easier, so you can race through them faster.


a large number of decks created with sub2srs

That’s like movies2anki. I wouldn’t worry much, unless the order is changed later.

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