hello anki-world
can some one help me get out of my confusions i have with the relation of anki deck, card-types and card-notes?
maybe intro first: i was using anki longer adding/changing cards only on a linux client and learn then by syncing it to my android mobile.
since a while i have only a netbook and using therefore my mobile more.
i also started to add own note and card types
and very greath, i found out the “anki-droid-card sharing” entry, which would (!!!) let me very easy adding something in anki, if there would not be this confusion about deck, notes, cards!
because when using “anki-droid-card sharing” i need to choose the deck in which i like to make the adding. BUT the “type” is not changing when changing the deck!
and i since use different card-types i do not remember which type belongs to which deck, means, i’m not adding the new card.
but actually for me there should be no need for choosing the card-type since i thought (!), a desk can only have a 1:1 relation to card-types.
so i added a “suggestion for improvement” under when adding new card in a desk, the correct card-type for the desk must be used · Issue #9576 · ankidroid/Anki-Android · GitHub
and got the answer that " Decks can contain multiple card types"
??? questions: is this so? can there be 1:n desk:types? if yes, for what? live could be easier if 1:1, isn’t it? how yu use the greath “anki-droid-card sharing”?
thanks a lot, stof