Have problems with the new cards that i added

Hello everyone.
I have been using anki for about 8-9 months now. My first deck had about 4500 cards. when i was done with about 50% of the deck , i noticed that that the same deck on the shared deck list had about 7500 cards. approx.
so i wanted to add these new cards to my existing deck.I followed some steps which i found on the forum (which included downloading the new deck in a separate user and then saving it as word and then uploading it on my personal user.I may not remember the exact steps now. )

However , although all the new cards/additional cards are present in my deck, they are not “functional” some of the text appears missing and also although they are clearly of the “cloze” type, they appear as basic.

Kindly help. thank you

Sounds like you imported them into the wrong notetype. You can use the Change Notetype option in the Browse screen to assign them to the correct type.


I’v tried that. i tried changing a few cards to all the other notetype one by one. although there are some changes in how they appear but they still don’t work.

Thank you.