"Please sync again" message keeps recurring

My images are working fine on anki desktop, but when I try to open the desk on anki mobile, the images just show up as an . When I try to sync the decks, I keep getting the “please sync again, if this messages appears again please post on the support site” message.

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Please try log out from the sync preferences screen in AnkiMobile, then sync again, waiting until “media sync complete” is shown. Does that resolve the issue, or do you get the same message?

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I am getting the message on the anki desktop app. I just tried to log out on the desktop app and logged back in then tried to sync again and got the same message - “please sync again, if this messages appears again please post on the support site”

Sorry about the delay. The server logs are indicating that your computer has ~50k files in the media folder, and there are only ~15k on AnkiWeb. What happens when you run Tools>Check Media on your computer? If you clean up unused media files, how many files end up in your media folder if you open it directly? And if you repeat the logout+sync step after checking media, does it make any difference?

I cleared the unused media files and when I sync from the laptop, I’m not getting the sync message any more.

On mobile, it appears that I am not able to see any media attached to my cards any more still though. Where the image should be I get the below error screen.

  • What do you see when you run Check Media on this device?
  • You were having trouble syncing for a while – has that media file synced to your mobile app yet?

When I run check media on mobile, it shows 8715 missing files and 2087 unused files.

When I run check media on the laptop it shows 6 missing files, 36898 unused files. It also shows multiple files that “were referenced by cards but were not found in the media folder”.

On mobile, I am able to sync without any error messages showing up, and the near and due cards appear to be lining up with the laptop.

On the laptop, I am still getting the “please sync again. if this message keep appearing, past post to the support site” message. Though earlier today I was able to sync on the laptop without this message occurring, when I checked again now it came up again.

In regards to the images not loading, being that it appears to be an Ankihub deck, the first thing I would recommend trying is to reset local changes (on desktop): Resetting Local Changes

You might also double-check that you don’t have this field, or fields, protected on Ankihub which can prevent images from loading in those fields.

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That means your devices are definitely not in sync yet. :sweat_smile:

After you did that, what was the Check Media result on your laptop? If by “cleared” you mean you deleted those 36K unused files (at least as far as the media Trash), they should have been gone at that point.

If they are back now, that means that they are getting restored for you during sync. That’s seems like it would be because your devices weren’t in sync before you did that.

After you cleared them out, did you follow Damien’s logout+sync until media sync is complete procedure?

The sync failure indicates you still have ~50k files, so either you didn’t delete them, or they’ve been added back. If it’s the latter, I recommend you disable all add-ons and restart Anki prior to deleting the files, in case it’s an add-on that is adding them back.

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