However, I can only play the audio from the front of the card, which is in English.
I need to access the audio on the back of the card, which contains the Arabic translation of the material. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I also noticed a user mentioned in the deck comments that he was experiencing the same issue, but only on the computer version. In my case, the problem occurs on both my phone and laptop.
It sounds like the audio is added to the notes, but that field hasn’t been added to the template for the back of your card – so there’s no play-button and you don’t hear the audio. You can add that to the design of your card where you like – Field Replacements - Anki Manual .
In the end, the problem was much simpler. What happened is that the audios of the first eight cards were missing from the base. The rest are working perfectly. I spent hours trying to adjust the code until I realized this small detail.
Those sneaky cards! Please make sure you post feedback about the deck so other users know, and/or contact the deck author to let them know about the issue.