The front of this card is blank. More information

Not sure what I have done here.

When adding audio to my Japanese deck I seem to have erased the backsides of my cards. I am sure this is a simple thing, but it says “The front of this card is blank. More information.”

I admit I’m not the most computer-savvy person, but before I dig a deeper hole in attempting to fix it, can anyone assist?

Did you click the link to see the “More information”?

When you see that in the card preview, it means that all of the fields you are calling on the front template are empty for this note, and this card won’t be created.

For the card in screenshots 1-2, the “Notes” field is the only thing on the front of the card so that must be empty. [For screenshot 3, that appears to also be card 1 of the same note type, but the fields have been rearranged as though you flipped the card.]

If you can say more about what you’re trying to do, perhaps someone can help.

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Thank you for the reply.

I was returning to ANKI after quite some time, the deck itself worked well and as usual. After updating the API key to continue using hypertss for audio, suddenly the backside of the card was showing that message. I can only assume I accidentally erased or deleted something, but I don’t have all these little details memorized so I have no way to say what it should be like.

And I don’t know what your templates looked like before either. But the fastest ways back to before you made those changes are –

  • If you want to roll-back changes you’ve made just now (and haven’t closed or synced since then) – Edit > Undo [Ctrl Z] the change. [If you select it from the menu Anki will describe which change it is reversing with each click (useful when you can’t see where the change is happening!).]

  • If you want to roll-back changes made longer ago than that – Restore from an automatic or manual backup, Restoring an Automatic Backup (Recovering from Data Loss) - Frequently Asked Questions [but you’ll lose any reviews and changes you’ve made since that backup was created].

    • If you just want to grab one thing from a backup (like the text of a template, or one deck out of many, or a set of notes/cards that use a particular note type), you can minimize data loss by importing the backup into a brand new (temporary) profile, find what you’re looking for, copy/export it, and then import it into your main profile.
  • Force a one-way sync and download from AnkiWeb – you’ll lose any reviews and changes you made since your last sync.

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Thank you again for your time.

I restored from a backup from two weeks ago, but the problem persists, in all decks, for all cards. I should have added earlier that I updated ANKI today too, so perhaps something in the update has caused this issue?

Thank you again for your time.

If I can trouble you once more.

Despite restoring from older backups all of my cards on all decks have the same problem. However, on AnkiWeb, I can still use my decks as they were with no issues at all. The front and back both work, audio plays, and all is right with the world. Knowing this, would there be a way to resolve it?

Again, thank you!

I took another look at your first screenshots, and that isn’t the note type you’re using. It says it’s only used by 1 note. Since it ends in a +, it likely came with an imported deck, and it’s probably not the note type you want.

[If it’s only used by 1 note, look at what note that is, and if you don’t need it, you can safely delete that entire note type – Manage Note Types > select that one > Delete.]

Do you have another note type called Japanese KIC? That’s the one you should be looking at. If you open the template editor, do those previews show “front of this card is blank” messages?

If not – that’s problem #1 out of the way.

For problem #2 – I can’t tell what’s not working on your local Anki that is working on AnkiWeb. Is it blank fronts/backs? Or that the audio isn’t playing?

Again, thank you. The problem occurs with Japanese KIC too. Taking a random card for screenshots, showing both the “front template” and “back template” and then hitting “flip” for both of those. If anything can be gathered from this, wonderful. If not, thank you for your time, and I will leave it be.

(Perhaps it’s best to delete ANKI from my desktop? Reinstall it and start from scratch. I’m not opposed o this idea.)

That won’t solve anything if your card templates / database is messed up.

What I find odd is that your code for the front cannot be right at all (why would it work on ankiweb, that doesn’t make sense to me).
Take this picture:

You have a div which contains a span. But that span is empty. There should be a field there. You should press the Add field button and insert the correct field for the front. If you do that, you’ll notice that your problem goes away.

Let’s have you stop doing that, okay? That’s for reversing your front and back templates – which you use when you are editing a card type. All you really need to do to look at them is click the radio buttons at the top for front/back template/preview.

Your template is definitely the issue. Anon is right – that wouldn’t work anywhere. But as I said before, we don’t now what these cards are supposed to look like, so it’s hard to tell you how to correct them.

Let’s pull the copy from AnkiWeb to this computer, and see if that fixes it. Do you have any changes (edits, review history, etc.) on this computer that you haven’t synced to AnkiWeb yet? If there’s anything of that you want to save, make sure to do that first. Then go to Preferences > Syncing > check the box to force changes in one direction. Then Sync and choose download from AnkiWeb. When that’s done, have a look at these cards/templates and see if they are working correctly.

If not – Do you have this deck on any other devices and does it work there? If so, go to that device, have it force changes in one direction on the next Sync, and choose upload to AnkiWeb. After that finishes, you can sync on this computer again, and when it asks download from AnkiWeb again. Now how is it?

If none of that works, it’s time to think about going back to the source. Where did you get this deck/note type from? You may need to import it again (or at least one note of it) to fix your note type.

Adding “fields” to the cards seems to have corrected the problem. How it came to be that they all disappeared after the update is something I can’t figure out, but that’s a mystery for a different day.

I appreciate your help. We can close this small file.


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