Not being able to log in with my e-mail and my password

Hello everyone,

I can’t log in to my account in a PC because Anki doesn’t offer me to connect me with an e-mail and a password. I can only create accounts without email and password. Is it because I am trying to do that on a high school PC? Is it possible to log on to my account in Anki anyway?

Thank you for your answers !

Possibly that the connection to AnkiWeb is blocked by your institution’s network connection. I’d recommend using a VPN or an DNS to bypass it.

Also, why you doing it on a school computer? Are you trying to install Anki with it?

Are you talking about logging in at Or logging in within Anki in order to sync with AnkiWeb?

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Possibly that the connection to AnkiWeb is blocked by your institution’s network connection. I’d recommend using a VPN or an DNS to bypass it.

Also, why you doing it on a school computer? Are you trying to install Anki with it?

I wanted to study my flashcards during free time using Anki, because I don’t like studying on AnkiWeb. I don’t think that using things such as VPN or DNS are allowed in my high school.

Are you talking about logging in at Or logging in within Anki in order to sync with AnkiWeb?

I am talking about logging in within Anki, AnkiWeb works. I prefer using Anki.

I think they didn’t specifically blocked Anki, I think I am the only one who installed Anki on a school’s PC

How are you trying to log in to Anki? Just in Preferences > Syncing? When you enter your email and password – are you getting some sort of error?

Do you really want to install Anki and sync your whole collection on a shared-school computer that anyone could access? For folks using a shared computer, it seems a lot safer for your data if you run Anki from a portable drive – Managing Files - Anki Manual .

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You could install Anki on the local computers, but you said you can’t use a VPN or an DNS within the institution’s network?

Sounds questionable from your end

I was trying to connect with file > switch profile :sweat_smile: school computers are rather safe because everyone has his login and password so no one can access to my Anki without knowing my login and password.

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