I like to study my cards from the main deck of 3 subdecks, so I get a mix of every subdeck when I study. After the new update (24.11), my main deck shows no new cards, while I can see the three subdecks all have 20 new cards to be reviewed. I have tried to increase the new card limit of the main deck, but it makes no difference. Is this just how the new update is? If so, how can I restore it to how it was before?
This is how my deck looks now:
Main deck: New:0 Review: 200
The first thing I would check is the deck settings for your main deck:
I would double-check preset, this deck, and today only to make sure that none of them are set to 0 for new cards/day.
For example, if you increase the ‘preset’ value but the ‘this deck’ value is stuck at 0 it can throttle in this way and prevent new cards from being introduced when studying the main deck.
You also might want to reconsider setting a daily Review limit at all, especially one that is lower than the number of cards you actually have due. The best way to control your daily workload is by controlling your daily New cards. You should expect to have a workload about 8-10x the number of cards you are introducing each day.