Help! Deck not showing new cards

I’ve been using a deck for about a year and it has recently stopped showing me new cards. I’ve checked forums and tried fixes to no avail. As far as I can tell, reviews are caught up and new cards are set to ignore review limits anyways.

This deck worked for a while but now it’s just showing me cards I already recognize and know well. I’m a relatively new user so maybe I’m missing something.
Thanks for any help.

Is it possible that you have run out of available (not suspended, not buried) New cards in that deck?

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I think it’s highly unlikely since the deck is 5000 cards. But maybe that’s not including subdecks? Is there a way to check this?

Sure. Use your own deck name in a search like –
deck:NAME is:new -is:suspended -is:buried

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Hi! I tried this search and many cards came up. Does this mean that there are still new cards in the deck? If so how do I get them to appear during learning?

Great, that means there are New cards.

That depends on why they aren’t appearing now!

I notice that your Deck Options preset applies to 59 decks.

  • Is that all of your decks or do you have other presets?
  • Are all 59 top-level decks? Or a mix of top-level/parent decks and subdecks?
  • What about the decks that these available New cards are in? Are they top-level deck or subdeck?

If it would be easier, you can post a screenshot of your decks list, so we can talk about the specific decks you are wondering about.


Got it thanks. Here’s the screenshot of my deck list. I think it’s a mix of parent decks and sub-decks but I could be misunderstanding.

I still need to know that ^^^.

And now I also need to know –

  • What deck(s) do you click on to study?
  • What deck(s) are you expecting New cards from that you aren’t getting?

That’s all of my decks. I click on the topmost deck (5000 most common), which is the one I’m expecting new cards from.

But the cards aren’t directly in the “5000” deck, right? They are in the subdecks?

Daily New limit –
It sounds like you’ve got a daily limit of 20 New cards on all of your decks, including the top-level “5000” deck. When you click on that deck to study, it gathers 20 New cards for the day, and after that Anki it stops looking for New cards, because you said you wanted 20.

If you want more than that, or if you still want 20, but to draw them from different subdecks, you can set “this deck” limits on some of your decks to make that happen. The Anki v3 scheduler - Anki FAQs

Daily max limit –
You’ve also got your daily max reviews limit set to 300. If you’ve got more cards due (and overdue) than that each day – you’re hitting that limit, you won’t get any New cards at all.

Right now, that limit is hiding your Due Review cards and making it hard to learn them. I’d suggest raising that max limit so you can see how many Due Review cards you actually have. You can set it to be unlimited (“9999”), if you want to make sure you get to study all of your cards when they are due.

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This is helpful. I’m pretty sure the cards are in the main course subdeck which has the same rules. When I ran the new card command you suggested earlier it showed a lot of cards but ones that I’ve already learned. I set the review limit to 9999 but no discernible change. Does that change anything?

That search wouldn’t have shown you any cards that you have already learned/studied – it only returned New cards.

What deck(s) did you change the limit for? What exactly did you change?

Yeah that’s why I’m confused about the result from the new card search on the subdeck. It’s supposed to show new cards but I recognize all of the cards that appeared. Is it possible that something was updated or deleted and it just thinks those cards are new even though I’ve learned them a while ago?

As for the 9999 change, I changed the maximum daily reviews to 9999 as default for all decks

Unless you deliberately Reset them to New – pretty much the only way for that to happen is if you aren’t being careful to sync when you open the app AND when you close/leave the app, on every device, every time.

Another possibility is that you’re mistaken and you haven’t actually studied those cards. They might be duplicates or near duplicates. They might be siblings of cards you’ve studied.

It sounds like it didn’t apply to them then. Possibilities include –

  • Subdecks using deck-specific “this deck” limits
  • Not saving after you changed it
  • Did nothing change that same day, or did nothing change the next day?