As of two days ago, no new cards will show and only reviews come up. My reviews per day limit is 9999 and I also selected the option “ignore reviews per day limit”. I suspended enough cards so I know there are new ones to learn. I had this issue in the past and the only way to fix it was to delete the entire deck and start fresh, but I’m pretty far in and don’t want to do that again. I downloaded the newest update and still no new cards. Any tips?
If you go into the deck, then open the browser and search for deck:current is:new
do any cards turn up?
I went into the deck but I do not see that setting.
No cards show up when I type that.
That means that there are no new cards to show you, no matter what your daily limits are.
If you instead search for deck:current is:suspended
and cards DO show up you can un-suspend some of them.
If there are no suspended cards either, are you sure you have put the cards you want in the correct deck?
Yes cards show up for that.
I unsuspended them but still new cards don’t show up.
Hmm. I just tested and new cards should actually turn up even if they are suspended with deck:current is:new
It could be that the person who made the deck accidentally exported it with scheduling information (like a backup of their deck, not a new copy for someone else to use).
Using the browser find some cards you know you have not seen before and look at the “Due” column. It should say something like “New #1234”. If it has a date that means Anki thinks you have seen it before.
You can reset it back to being a new card by right clicking and selecting Reset...
So if this deck has 3000+ cards, I have to do that for each one?
If that turns out to be the problem you can try to create a search that finds all the “new” cards that Anki thinks you have seen before and reset them in bulk.
Be careful though, if you do it to ones you have seen before it will also reset your progress on them.
Have you considered that you are simply out of New cards? How long have you been studying this deck?
If you show all of this deck’s cards – deck:current
or whatever your parent deck is called – and sort by the Due column – are there any cards at the top or the bottom of the list that have New #s instead of due dates?
So if this deck has 3000+ cards, I have to do that for each one?
A good way to narrow down whether you have someone else’s review history would be to look for cards that aren’t New, but that you haven’t studied during the time you’ve been using the deck – Searching - Anki Manual . For instance, if you’ve been studying the deck for 10 months so far, you could search for cards that aren’t New, but that haven’t been studied in 300 days –
deck:current -is:new -rated:300
If you find cards in that situation, there are a few ways to handle it, depending on how many cards/notes it is, and whether there are notes where you’ve already studied some sibling cards, but not others.
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