Linux: Media sync not occurring for pasted GIF images

On the Linux (Ubuntu 24) version, when images are pasted in, I’m having issues with getting them to sync to the iPhone app. I tried all of the troubleshooting steps. I’ve confirmed by clicking “Check Media” that the files are available on my computer. They are not in AnkiWeb, which tells me the issue is between my machine and AnkiWeb, not AnkiWeb and AnkiMobile. On the iPhone app, the images get the “An image is missing” error. It appears to only be GIFs, the PNGs appear okay. Is there a known issue with pasted GIFs not syncing from the Linux desktop version to AnkiWeb?

When I click “Sync”, I get “Collection sync complete”, but it does not say anything about media sync. Clicking Tools > Check Media shows
Missing files: 0
Unused files: 0

I had tried this before, but I believe the mitigation steps were, force a sync to AnkiWeb, then restart the iPhone app, then tap “Syncronize”. You get a popup that says your decks were syncronized in such a way that they need to overwrite. Tap “Download from AnkiWeb”. This fixed the issue.

Upload/Download only refers to the collection sync, and has no effect on how media is synced. It sounds like the media may not have had a chance to sync to AnkiWeb before you synced your phone. Glad to hear the issue has resolved itself now in any case.

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