Images not showing on deck downloaded from friend

I downloaded a deck from a friend (.apkg format) however cannot see any of the images on the cards. The deck is synced to Ankiweb and mobile but images aren’t showing on either of these as well, and they also aren’t showing in the ‘Browse’ section. I wasn’t sure if it might be an add-ons issue so I’ve included below a screenshot of the add-ons I’ve got. I’ve tried deleting and re-downloading the deck with no success. I’ve tried ‘Check Media’ and have got 1 missing file and quite a few unused so not sure if this is related? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

My first thought was that the media files weren’t included in the apkg – but if they aren’t showing up as missing media, then it seems like you have the files.

For the card that you show above, go to the note in the Browse window –

  • Does it show as a “broken image” icon there too?
  • Open the HTML view of that field – click <> above the field – and post what you see there. If you post it as text, it needs to be in a code/preformatted text block (see the forum editing bar) so that the forum doesn’t try to parse the HTML.

Yeah, the broken image icon is in the Browse window also

This is what the HTML view of that field looks like

Thank you so much for your help :slight_smile:

Okay, that img tag looks fine. Since Check Media didn’t say the file was missing, that means you should be able to go to your folder – Managing Files - Anki Manual – find the jpg file with that name, and open it in another program. Does it open? Is it an image?

Ah I’m sorry I can’t seem to find anything when I search for “%APPDATA%\Anki2” in my file manager, and there isn’t an Anki folder in my documents :confused:

You don’t need to search for it. If you put it in the “path” bar of File Explorer it will send you to that folder.

Oh I see, thank you! Yeah it seems that I can’t open the image in any program (Photos, Paint)

Can you talk to your friend about what kind of file that might be – for instance, is it renamed with a different extension? Is it a proprietary/OS-specific format? Is it corrupted?

I’m wondering if it’s perhaps an issue on my end as other friends who are using the deck haven’t had issues. I tried logging into a friend’s AnkiWeb account on my laptop and the images loaded fine, but when I tried to log into their account on the computer app it didn’t work.

Are your friends using Windows? If it’s actually a JPG file, I’m not sure what separate issue you could have with it – which is why I wondered if it is mislabeled. You can use an app like MediaInfo to see if it’s a different file type in disguise (it works for images too).

The big picture work-around for this is to have one of your friends copy the images for this deck into a zip file, and share it with you so you can download it. Then you can unzip it to make sure you can read the files, and then copy them into your to overwrite these broken ones. That won’t tell us why you’re having this issue, but it will get you up and running again.