Images not showing on Anki IOS app but they are on Anki web after new computer

My Mac computer crashed suddenly and was sent to Apple to get repaired- they essentially had to wipe everything. When I got it back I redownloaded the Anki app & logged in, my cards are all there but the images are not (the blue picture icon showing where they should be). All the images are there on Ankiweb.
I never had a problem before my computer was wiped/fixed by Apple.
In the “check media” folder it shows all the media as missing (over 14,000 files). Most of these decks I made/added the images on the Anki app, a few are shared decks that I don’t really use.
I have synced the app when closing it out & nothing changed- I am worried to try any other syncing because I don’t want the missing images to be lost on Anki web too.
How do I sync Anki web → IOS app to ensure not images are lost?

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Just to be sure, the official iOS app is called AnkiMobile and not Anki App (the latter’s a copycat). You should check if you have the correct app first.

I am worried to try any other syncing because I don’t want the missing images to be lost on Anki web too.
How do I sync Anki web → IOS app to ensure not images are lost?

From Syncing with AnkiWeb - Anki Manual

If you have accidentally deleted media files, and want to restore them, open the preferences and log out. The next time you sync, Anki will restore any deleted files, if they are available on AnkiWeb still.

You need to log out and then log back in to AnkiWeb.


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