How do I duplicate a card while transferring it's data to a different note

I want to make multiple decks that use the same cards that behave different (this is for english learning Korean).
The best language studying uses a combination of approaches:

  1. See a Korean words and guess it’s English word.
  2. See an English word and guess it’s Korean word.
  3. Hear just the Korean word spoken and guess it’s English word.

I want one deck for each of the above approaches.
How do I create one deck then make the other two decks based on the info I entered in the first deck? I can create a different note for each of the above types of decks but can’t see how to make bulk copies that I could then modify the note type.

To me, it would seem best to keep these in a single deck. That means that if you have to correct anything, you need only do the correction once.

Whichever way you intend to do this, I think using a unique identifier for each Note such as Note ID would enable you keep track of what you want. Thus, if you insist on using different decks, just create a new series of Note IDs for that deck, which will ensure their uniqueness within your collection.

If you use something like LibreOffice Calc (a spreadsheet program) to manage this, then you can have the Front, Back, and other fields of each deck depend on the first deck by using formulæ. That, again, allows you to import the decks, if you make a change, ensuring that all three separate decks are maintained together and kept up to date.

You don’t really need to duplicate cards, just use a note type with three fields:

A: Korean word
B: English word
C: Korean spoken word.

Then, you need to create the card types:

  1. A > B
  2. B > A
  3. C > B

Finally, from the browser you can select all card type X cards and move them to the appropriate deck.


I agree with @cqg - the best way to do this would not be to create different notes for each Question type (Korean → English, English → Korean etc.), but to create multiple card types within a single note type.

For e.g., lets say your first Field is called “Korean”, your second field is called “English”, your third field is called “Korean_spoken”. The direction in your first card type is Korean → English, the direction of your second card type is going to be English → Korean, and the third is going to be Korean_spoken → English.

To do this, go to “Browse” in the Main Window of Anki and click on one of the respective cards that you already made, which only has one of the directions you mentioned. Then click on the “cards…” button (between the “Fields…” and “Preview” button). Then click on “Options” > “Add Card Type…”. In this new card type, copy {{Korean}} from the Front Template to the Back Template and {{English}} from the Back Template to the Front Template. Then click on save. Repeat this whole procedure for your third card type. If the “Korean_spoken” field is not already present on the Front Template or the Back Template, you can add it by clicking on “Add Field” after you created the new card type.

To create different decks for these cards you can either create regular decks and put all the cards of one card type in each of the decks or create multiple custom filtered decks, and filter based on the name of the respective card type. I’ve described in this other reply how to do this: Tagging only specific card types within a note? - #2 by Hildeguard

Thanks! I think I can understand what Hildeguard is describing since I just studied cards and card types and note and note types.
However, I still don’t understand why cards each have their own Note when they can just behave based on the Note Type. Why not just, for each card, assign a Note Type ie ‘this card is interpreted based on this Note Type’?
Can a card’s Note contain any information that is not already built into it’s Note Type?
I can’t help feeling that Anki has a very antiquated architecture.

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