FSRS for Low nomber of cards

I have low no.of cards some decks has even less than 50 cards but all this cards are extremely important should I use fsrs and set desired retention to 96 for instance or should I back to Sm2 (I have decks with 300+ cards as well) and also in the short term 3-4 months would fsrs be helpful within that span of time? sorry for this basic questions but I have been using sm2 for 5 years so I have some doubts., Thx all

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From what I recall, even FSRS on default parameters outperforms SM-2.


thats interesting I have been using Sm2 for years and its great enough if Fsrs even better thats would be fascinating

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I’m not sure why you think that FSRS wouldn’t work for your number of cards. Does every one of your decks use its own Options preset, and you’re concerned about having enough reviews to optimize?

It is. Some of the recent benchmarking results.


In earlier versions of Anki you needed at least 1000 reviews to optimize parameters. However, later the limit has been removed. If you download the latest version (24.06.3), you will be able to optimize parameters with almost any number of reviews.

Also, IMO, the main advantage of FSRS is that you can very easily control your retention with just one setting, as opposed to tweaking a dozen settings and hoping that the effect will be about right.


yes Exactly some People have mentioned that it takes up to thousand reviews to make fsrs adapted so thats why Iam concerned because all I have in each deck is around 300 review

Fortunately, that isn’t the case a much now, as Expertium said. But is each of your decks using a separate Options preset – Deck Options - Anki Manual? That’s the unit-of-measure you’ll want to think about, not deck-by-deck.

yes I use different preset for every deck because they are very different in material

That’s an unusual choice. So yes, that will limit how quickly and accurately FSRS will be able to optimize for you. But using un-optimized/minimally-optimized FSRS is still pretty great, for all the reasons mentioned above.

Its okay I dont need fsrs to be 100% accurate 90% should be enough the reason why I have created preset for every deck because they are distinctly different like physics (missed questions I use some approach like puzzle to help me in critical thinking) and chemistry so this topics are Very different thats why I used different presets and also I just need some sort of spaced repetition I don’t need it even to be accurate because Iam not memoriesing them (the things that are based on memorization all already 1000+ review) I really appreciate your help thx

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