ich habe Anki sowohl auf dem Desktop als auch seit Kurzem auf dem Handy/iPad und mein Tageslimit für neue Karten liegt bei 35 Stück. Bisher war es also immer so, dass ich bei jedem einzelnen Stapel und auch Unterstapel täglich besagte 35 neue Karten lernen und weiß Gott wie viele wiederholen konnte. Seit heute Mittag kriege ich auf dem Handy und ipad jedoch bei jeglichen Stapeln (ich habe mir Karten online gekauft und daher sind fast alle dieser Stapel noch vollkommen unbenutzt → hängt das womöglich mit dem Problem zusammen?) 0 neue Karten angezeigt und lediglich die Meldung vonwegen, “Herzlichen Glückwunsch! dieser Stapel ist auf dem neuesten Stand”. An meinem Computer kann ich dagegen noch immer jeden dieser Stapel anfangen und kriege die 35 neuen Karten wie gewohnt angezeigt.
ich habe auf Handy/Ipad mehrfach neu synchronisiert, die App neugestartet, und auf allen meinen Geräten den Wert des Tageslimits für neue Karten probeweise hochgesetzt, um zu sehen, ob mir dann wieder neue Karten angezeigt würden - leider blieb dies ohne Erfolg. Genauso habe ich auf der App die Karten “für heute” bzw. “für diesen Stapel” hochgesetzt und ebenfalls keinen Erfolg gehabt.
Mit meinem Latein bin ich daher leider mittlerweile am Ende. Das einzige, was mir jetzt noch einfallen würde, wäre es wohl, mich zwischenzeitlich abzumelden und wieder einzuloggen, dafür scheine ich allerdings nicht helle genug zu sein - habe mich gerade doof und dämlich gesucht und trotzdem nicht gefunden, wie ich mich aus der App ausloggen kann.
Die App zu löschen und erneut runterzuladen, kommt für mich allerdings nicht infrage, weil ich befürchte, dass ich eventuell noch einmal zahlen müsste oder Karten verlieren könnte.
Can you look at Anki desktop on your computer and see what version you have? – Help (or Anki) > About > Copy debug info [you can paste that result here]
And on your iPad and iPhone, do you have version 24.08?
It might help to see how your decks and subdecks are related to each other, so please post a screenshot if you can.
You don’t need to try either of these things, because I don’t think they will help solve your main issue, but since you’re wondering –
To logout on Anki desktop – Tools > Preferences > Syncing > Log Out
I don’t know who you bought cards from, or what their policies are, but Anki desktop stores all of your collection information separately from the app, so uninstalling shouldn’t harm your collection.
my mobile version is 24.08 and my desktop version is: Version 2.1.54 (b6a7760c)
(on that note: a few weeks ago I clicked the update away because I did not have the time to download it and now i don’t know how to get the update anymore or more specifically where to find it - what exactly would I have to do to get the latest version? do I have to go to the Anki website and click on download as if I were to download Anki for the very first time? I didn’t see a section on the website regarding updates only)
hope the upload worked, sadly I was not able to upload another set of photos.
What you can (hopefully) see on the photo is what my mobile looks like today without having seen any new cards yet - apparently that is the reason why yesterday there where all 0s, since I had already seen my daily 35 new cards (would also match with the explanations that my friends gave me: if you’ve reached your daily limit of new cards, you cannot see any other decks, unless you have cards to revise there)
Buut I actually still don’t get it (im sorry!):
how come I can do another 35 cards and another and another on my desktop? I´ve never had that problem there and I have been using Anki for about two years now
why has that “Problem” (if that actually is one and not just the way Anki works - but that makes me wonder why I can start a new deck on my laptop whenever I want, even though the limit of new cards was already reached) only now occurred, when ive been using the mobile version for a few weeks already and that has never happened before?
and lastly: as I mentioned, my friends said that seeing all the 0s was what happened with their Anki as well, if they reached their daily limits BUT they also told me that they would just set their limit of new cards up or would specifically change the limit of new cards for a certain day/certain deck and they could see new cards again - thad sadly did absolutely nothing for me. I still could not see any new cards on the mobile version.
Thank you in advance and sorry for the butchered English
I suspect that all of the differences you’re seeing are because you are using an older version of the scheduler (v2) on Anki desktop. This could have naturally started happening when your auto-updating AnkiMobile app reached the end of support for the v2 scheduler and switched to v3. The schedulers are compatible, but not without their differences.
The fastest fix is to enable the v3 scheduler in desktop – it’s been there for years as an option, but was not required until recent versions. You can find that in Tools > Preferences.
If you want to update your Anki version, that’s fine too! You’re using a recent enough version that all you’d need to do is download the current release from the main site https://apps.ankiweb.net/ , and run the install program.
You didn’t paste your full debug info, so I don’t know what OS you’re on, what Qt version of Anki you have, or what add-ons you use. All of those are things to consider when deciding about an upgrade and which version to choose. You should check the platform notes for your OS, and check compatibility for any of your add-ons before you upgrade. Let me know if you have questions about that.