As an example: As of right now, the Future Due graph might show “In 10 days: 36 cards due”. However, with this feature implemented, clicking on the specific bar will take you to those exact 36 cards in the card browser.
In the first draft, it would include the following six graphs:
Card Counts graph
Added graph
Interval graph
Future Due graph
Calendar graph
Ease graph
Because we don’t want to maintain features, nobody likes to use, we would like to get the opinions of users first. Would you, as an Anki user, use this feature? And if yes, could you tell use your use case?
EDIT: I frequently will look forward to see which cards are due on a certain day and then use the rememorize add-on to move a few mature cards around to days that are less busy in my schedule. This would simplify that process a lot
Hi Wizards.
I am surprised that the team chosen such a low priority project.
You know that the frequently asked question is "What are the most optimal settings ?
There are 7 addons to track Retention-%; they address all important variables:
Graduated interval
Relearning cards ivl
The first Learning Step
Young cards
Young cards worst Custom interval range ( low retention).
The reasons why these gems are not picked up – they are hard to use.
These add-ons need to be forked and the results are to be presented on the charts or Tables.
If you see this as an important goal, maybe you can discuss it with the Dev Team ?
“The team” is Damien Elmes who created and maintains Anki. The rest are volunteers who are free to contribute whatever they like to Anki – which doesn’t mean their contributions will be actually adopted of course. This very topic is about finding out whether a contributed feature is useful enough to justify the effort needed to maintain it.
You know that the frequently asked question is "What are the most optimal settings ?
While all users want to study in the most efficient way, only a small number would benefit from such graphs. The majority uses the default options or copies options from some other source.
Therefore I think that the functionality you mention is best kept to add-ons, even though I’m personally highly interested in it.