Error message popping up every time I try to open Anki

I just downloaded Anki qt 6 to my Mac and an error message pops up every time I try to open Anki even after pressing and holding shift. The error message says the following:
Traceback (most recent call last):

File “aqt”, line 556, in run

File “aqt”, line 675, in _run

AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘addon_logs’

What should I do?

  • Have you tried everything in the Troubleshooting Checklist – Troubleshooting - Anki Manual ?

  • Did you choose the correct version for your MacOS version/chip?

  • Have you recently installed or deleted any add-ons?

  • Go to Anki > About – click “Copy Debug Info” – paste that when you respond.

  1. Yes, I have. This is my last resort.
  2. I have tried both macOS 10.13.4+ qt5 and macOS 11+ qt6 versions and the same pop-up appears.
  3. I have not installed or deleted any add-ons
  4. I am unable to even open Anki d/t the error pop up so I am unable to go to Anki > About
  1. If you don’t have any add-ons, the error is especially odd. Do you have an existing Anki2 data folder that you copied to this computer?

  2. You’re not able to open it even in safe mode?

  3. Can you try running Anki from a command prompt/terminal window using console.bat? (Sorry, these directions are Windows specific, but you should be able to find the same file where your Mac files are stored.)

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