I’m running the latest Anki version, but this problem started occurring in February.
All my cloze deletion cards are empty on the front but normal on the back.
I’ve tried the “empty cards” button, but it tells me I haven’t got empty cards…
I had a few extensions, but even now when I’ve already deleted them, the problem continues.
as said above, to check the template (PT-BR)
Ferramentas → Gerenciar tipos de notas:
Vai aparecer diversos tipos de notas (note types), verifique qual deles está causando esse problema
Se vc baixou esse note type da internet: clique nesse → aperte em “cartões” e tire prints do do modelo da frente, modelo de trás e estilo, e poste no fórum para verificar o problema
(opinião: talvez o template que vc baixou esteja configuradopara o {{cloze:Text}} (Inglês) em vez do {{cloze:Texto}} (PT-BR) e por isso, a parte de trás está funcionando) (se for esse o caso, troque o Texto por Text e verifique se funciona)
Talvez seja um bug então: na aba “Tipos de notas” clique em “adicionar” → “omissão de palavras” e transfira os cartões para esse novo note type (Painel → clicar no note type que está dando problema → selecionar todos os cartões (crtl+a) → notas → “mudar tipos de notas” (crtl+shift+m)
Tools → Manage note types:
Several types of notes (note types) will appear, check which one is causing this problem
If you downloaded this note type from the internet: click on this → press “cards” and take prints from the **front *, * back and style, and post to the forum to check the issue
(opinion: maybe the template you downloaded is configuredfor the {{cloze:Text}} (English) instead of the {{cloze:Texto}} (PT-BR) and that’s why, the back is working) (if that’s the case, change the Texto to Text and check if it works)
Maybe it’s a bug then: in the tab “Types of notes” click on “add” → “cloze” and transfer the cards to this new note type (browser-> click on the note type that is causing a problem → select all cards (crtl+a) → notes → “change note types” (crtl+shift+m)