Need help with empty cards cloze deletion

I’m new to Anki and I seem to have a problem, I’ve made a new deck of cards with basic cards, image occlusion and cloze. However every cloze deletion card made seems to have a problem.
It tells me : “The front of this card is blank.”. It tells me my cards are empty and to go to tools and delete them but when I do that, or I browse trough my cards they’re not empty.
My text is in the “text” field and not the “extra” field. There’s no problem like here :
So I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong…

This is the add-on I used :

For example, on the left the first card Anki wants to delete because it thinks is empty is the one on the right. It’s clearly not empty. I don’t see what the problem is.

Any help or advice is welcome ! Thank you :slight_smile:

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If you look at Template, do you see the ‘cloze text’ without the usual c1:: string and no brackets ? That is what happening to me lately: Anki ‘un-closes’ the text to be clozed. When i restore the cloze, Anki allows me to review and rate the card.