Easy Days settings should be hidden if mw.col.load_balancer_enabled is set to False

Because of how the native Load Balancer is implemented, Easy Days can not function without enabled Load Balancer, so Easy days section should be hidden from Deck options if mw.col.load_balancer_enabled option is set to False.

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Isn’t that only doable from the debug console (meaning only some power users use it)?

Did you speak up? I didn’t ask for your opinion. I use that option and reported the bug because it’s wrong to show the Easy Days setting that doesn’t make sense if the mw.col.load_balancer_enabled option is disabled.

Just so you know, because of LB/Easy Days bug (Easy days: revisited by jakeprobst · Pull Request #3661 · ankitects/anki · GitHub), users, without even realizing it, have been using Anki with a broken schedular for three-four months already (I won’t even mention people that for any reason will stick to 24.11 version). And the only solution on the 24.11 is to disable mw.col.load_balancer_enabled from debug console, which is meant only for power users. It is an important option. Even now we don’t know if the current implementation of LB/Easy Days is flawless.

Even if it is, there is a demand for this option from some group of people, so UI should not display a meaningless (and, more importantly, misleading) section if load_balancer is disabled.

No need to be rude. We are contributors here and don’t need this kind of attitude.

I do think however that hidding easy days if it's useless with load balancer disabled is a reasonable request. For now you can just ignore the gui options for easy days though (you already know about this limitation – so it's easy to just ignore it until someone implements a fix).

On my planet, public forum is open for all. No one is providing you specifically an opinion, but we’re sharing ours in the hopes it makes a productive conversation.

I’m in any case fine with others putting in the work if they find this worthwhile.

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I just really do not like the narrative about “power users”. Especially since the fix for this bug is very simple, something among the lines:

           const load_balancer_enabled = <...>;
            {#if $load_balancer_enabled}
                <Row class="row-columns">
                    <EasyDays {state} api={easyDays} />

In the DeckOptionsPage.svelte.
Just need to retrieve the mw.col.load_balancer_enabled option.

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I think that “narrative” is more meant to explain the prioritization of a fix. If this only affects “power users” – and only the small fraction of them who have disabled load balancer – you can see that this is unlikely to cause them any serious confusion or trouble.

But if you’ve already found the solution – PRs are welcome!

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I am curious why enabling/disabling load balancing isn‘t an option to the normal user ? Not sure if not wanting it to be enabled is such a unusual setting (personally I just disabled it now). But one could then link the rendering of easy days to it. Are we expecting everyone to turn on this feature or were there other reasons it is not exposed ?

You can read the original Pull Request conversation (load balancer! by jakeprobst · Pull Request #3230 · ankitects/anki · GitHub).

In short, the toggle is not shipped because of the “power users”/“let’s make Anki as simple as Duolingo”/“Anki is too difficult for average user” narrative which is promoted by Expertium and Sorata (not an offense, just facts).