Dear Dae,
thanks for the suggestions, not only from you.
The suggestions you made to me for copying a deck seem rather “complicated” to me.
My idea - maybe I’m too naive of what Anki can offer - was / is:
a) go to the folder in Anki where all data from a specified deck is stored,
Example: Name of the deck: “A”
b) copy the whole folder and give another name to the copied deck,
Example: Name of the copied deck could be now “A modified 01”.
c) open the copied and renamed deck “A modified 01” with Anki and then modify the content of this deck.
d) save then the modified deck with extended fields etc.
Of course, it would be even easier just simply save the modified deck under a new name when editing using the windows version.
But now, desafortunadamente there are seams to be no such a choice in the menu. (Maybe hidden?)
Somehow, I can’t imagine that this simple way is not possible for Anki.
Hundreds of apps can do it in different OS.
At the beginning, I wasted quite a lot of time, days, modifying an existing deck, adding fields, and for example “German translation, audio-sample etc.”, hints for irregular verbs in Spanish etc.:
There was the hint at the latest when liked to synchronize the modified deck:
Your changes differ significantly from the original.
You now have two options: a or b.
Unfortunately, I made the wrong choice and several days’ of work went down the drain.
Neither option a nor b offered by Anki was what I wanted to achieve.
So once again my question:
Isn’t there an easier way to save an existing deck under a different name on the computer, and then call the file with the changed name?
Why am I so interested in a simpler solution for copping an existing deck?
At the moment, I’m less interested in creating learning content with Anki.
(it’s just something I’m doing on the side at the moment)
My focus at the moment:
just to find out how Anki works, to find out if I can fully recommend Anki as an e-learning medium, or what challenges there are to create a good deck with Anki.
Additional question:
Under Settings / Backup the number of backup copies is displayed.
I assume that only the changes are saved in the backups.
But maybe the backup copy is also a possibility to …
I would be very grateful for any help to simplify:
copping en existing deck under a new name.
Yours sincerely, Peter El Salvador