Cards not going to the right spot when reviewing

When I am learning new cards, no matter what I click in terms of 1, 2, or 3, the card automatically goes to the next day. I tried with my review cards and even if I click 1, it goes to the next day instead of going to learning. I have looked at all my settings and I am not sure what to do now. I have attached a screenshot of my settings. I also have a video but I cannot upload it.

I have tried restoring a back up but everytime I do, I get the error message “Automatic syncing and backups have been disabled while restoring. To enable them again, close the profile or restart Anki.” and then “invalid Zip archive: Could not find central directory end”. All of my devices are synced.

I have also tried downloading the most current version and that does not change anything.

You can show us what really happened to the map by using the function:
Previous Card Info. Ctrl+Alt+I


Don’t worry about the video. What we definitely need to see is the Card Info for a couple of these cards that were treated incorrectly. You can access that outside of a study session as well – Statistics - Anki Manual .

  • Is it safe to assume that all 1700+ (:exploding_head:) of your decks use this options preset, and none of them have any different settings?
  • Have you changed the learning steps any time recently?
  • What versions of Anki are you using on your various devices? Which one is this happening on?

As far as restoring the backup – is that to undo the incorrect scheduling of these cards? That’s one way to do that, the other is to force a one-way sync from the device that didn’t do these reviews.

the error message “Automatic syncing and backups have been disabled while restoring. To enable them again, close the profile or restart Anki.”

That’s normal during the restore-backup process. Backups - Anki Manual

and then “invalid Zip archive: Could not find central directory end”

If you can say more about when that is happening – what you’re doing when you get this error – we might be able to help. Are you trying to import something? What is it?

So I think this may have something to do with the new update. Normally when I press 1 on a review card, the green number of review cards goes down one and the red number of learning cards goes up. When I have been reviewing the cards will come up at the correct time but the number of learning cards is usually 0 which isn’t true. Here are a few cards I have studied today and a screenshot of the bottom of my review session.


I tried downloading a backup to see if that would fix the problem but I could not get past the error messages that came up in the order of : “Automatic syncing and backups have been disabled while restoring. To enable them again, close the profile or restart Anki.” and then once I clicked out of that, the other error message immediately popped up : “invalid Zip archive: Could not find central directory end”

The 1st Card Info you posted [ending with the 18:07 review] –
This card is in Relearn and will be due 10 minutes after 6:07pm.

What is your learn-ahead limit (in Preferences)?
What time did you take the screenshot of your counters [I don’t know what timezone you’re in :sweat_smile:]?

Everything else about the card looks fine. The “Interval 1 day” in the top section is this card’s underlying interval based on the minimum interval the card will have when it graduates from Relearn, but the relearning steps override that for the time being.

The 2nd Card Info [ending with the 18:44 review] –
This card graduated from Relearn to Review, and is not due until tomorrow. It will show in the green Due counter then. The “Type” on each line is the state of the card when it was shown to you, not the state after you studied it.

I don’t know if we need to solve the restore backup issue right now, because I’m not sure you have a scheduler problem that you need to fix by rolling back to an older database. It is concerning that one of your backup files appears to have problems, but for now, run a Check Database on your profile, and hopefully that will be enough to give you good backups from this point forward.


Do I need to increase my learn ahead limit?

I ran the check database so hopefully things will work correctly now.

Thank you for all your help, I truly appreciate it

No, that’s fine.

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If you wish the red count to increase when you press Again, then the learn ahead limit will need to be longer than your learning step. But that comes down to whether you want the learning cards to be shown faster when no other cards are due.

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