Cannot log into Ankiweb account

I recently created a new Anki web account after deleting the old one as I had problems with syncing after having subscribed and downloaded the Anking Overhaul Deck from AnkiHub. There was a delay in the verification email sent to my address, so I tried to delete the account again which would show an error message. Meanwhile I got the verification email. When I click on it, I get to the interface where I have to log into my account and when I do that, an error message appears: “System Error. Sorry, something went wrong while processing your request. Please try again, and if the problem persists, please [let us know]” So basically, I cannot log into nor delete my account. When trying to sign up as a new account, it says that the email address is already in use.

What can I do to either delete or log into my account?

Edit: When I try to log in with my account name and password and click on login, Safari asks me to download and when I say yes it downloads a file called “login” which opens up a text editor

The issue preventing your account from being deleted should be fixed now. If you proceed with that and then try logging in again to a new account, if problems persist, please follow up on Error: ” No account was found with that email address.” on iPad with web browser (not ankimobile) but not on PC - #2 by dae, which looks like a similar issue.

Thanks for your fast reply! Unfortunately, I still cannot log into the account and delete. When I click the login button, Safari downloads a file called „login“ with 0 kb so just the icon I assume.

Could you just delete the account entirely so I can create a new one with that email?

Thank you in advance!

Problem solved, I could log into the account and delete via Safari on my iPhone. Thank you

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