Basic card turns to reverse

I have sets of basic cards on my desktop and on Android. What happens inevitably is some cards reverse so I get prompted for back not front. What’s happening?

It sounds like you’re using a note type that makes 2 cards – which can happen even if your note type is named “Basic,” because someone may have modified it without changing the name. When you’re looking at those cards/notes in the Browse window on desktop – click “Cards …” – then open the card type dropdown at the top. Does it have 1 card or 2?

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The card type dropdown has two options and it’s checked on Reverse: Back-> Front

Change the note type to “Basic” for all your cards from the Browse screen. You can’t do that in AnkiDroid so you’ll have to do it from desktop. Browsing - Anki Manual.

Your note type has the wrong name, so it’s doing what it is supposed to do (create 2 cards) – just not what you expected it to do (create 1 card). You have a few options.

  • Rename this note type to a more accurate name, and change your notes to use a different note type that does what you want.
  • Suspend the “Reverse” cards. If you want them later, they will still be there, and they will have any review history you’ve done on them so far. But they won’t show up in your study sessions anymore.
  • Delete the “Reverse” card type from this note type. This will impact every note in your collection that uses this note type.

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