Apaguei alguns arquivos no gerenciador do anki

Fui criar um template para o anki ontem 16/05/2021, dentro dele apaguei varios arquivos que achei insignificantes por conta disso perdi quase todos meu baralhos, cerca de quase dois anos de estudos como faço para recuperar eles?


Arquivo → Mudar Perfil → Abrir cópia de segurança…


Each time your collection is closed (when closing Anki, switching profiles, or synchronizing your deck), Anki exports your collection into the backups folder. By default Anki will store up to 30 backups; you can adjust this in the preferences.

Automatic backups do not protect against disk or computer failure, and do not extend to your media. To keep your collections safe, please consider making manual backups too.

The easiest way to make a manual backup is to use the File>Export menu item to export all decks with scheduling and media information included, which will save your data to a .colpkg file.

If you want to back up multiple profiles and your add-ons as well, you can make a complete copy of your Anki folder. Please make sure you close Anki first, as backups may be corrupt if run while Anki is open.

To restore from an automatic backup:

  1. From the File menu, select Switch Profile to show the Profiles window.
  2. Select the profile you wish to restore on the left.
  3. Click the Open Backup…​ button.
  4. Choose Yes and the available backups will appear.
  5. Open a backup based on the date you wish to restore to.
  6. Check that that the backup that was restored was the one you intended. If you wish to try a different backup, return to step 1.
  7. Anki has disabled automatic syncing and backups while you check the backup. When you’re happy with the backup you’ve selected, quit Anki and start it again to return to the normal behaviour.

Anki also logs deleted notes to a text file called deleted.txt in your profile folder. These notes are in a text format that can be read by File>Import, though please note the import feature only supports a single note type at one time, so if you have deleted notes from different note types, you’ll need to split the file into separate files for each note type first.