HELP! I lost my cards

Hello, I don’t speak very well English. I was trying to sync my ankis cards and I think I lost all my cards. I didn’t have nothing in anki web. My computer got crazy and I have lost everything. I don’t have any backup. Do you know if can I get back the cards??
That’s the last photo I have

Thanks for everything!!

The best way for you to recover your data is through a backup. Anki automatically stores up backups into the backups folder.

Each time your collection is closed (when closing Anki, switching profiles, or synchronizing your deck), Anki exports your collection into the backups folder. By default Anki will store up to 30 backups; you can adjust this in the preferences.
Managing Files - Anki Manual

Are you sure you don’t have any backups?

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Como te dicen arriba, Anki hace una una copia de seguridad automática de tus datos.

Para abrirla, ve a perfiles > abrir copia de seguridad

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I found it!!! Thank you very much!!!

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