I was trying to merge my cards made on anki desktop (without an account). I uploaded them to ankiweb, thinking it would add them to my account (with existing cards) on ankiweb, but it instead wiped/deleted the cards that I had on my account on ankiweb previously. Is there any way I can get back the cards that were originally synced to my anki web account before I uploaded the new cards and lost the old cards?
I understand now that I could have added cards to a new profile, or merged my cards in different ways, but I did not know that then.
I have tried to look in backups on anki desktop, but I did not use my account with this desktop computer, as I had previously lost my computer, thus there are no back ups.
If I understand you, the only copy of the collection on AnkiWeb was on AnkiWeb – and you hadn’t synced that with any other devices. Is all of that correct?
How long ago was this mistaken sync/overwrite – today, last week, last month?
The next time he’s online, @dae will be able to check if there is a server back up available to restore what was in your AnkiWeb account. He’ll respond and let you know what date it’s from so you can confirm that’s what you want.