Can I restore my cards?!

Hi, I need help. By mistake I delated all the cards that I had in one deck. I had duplicates and tried to delete just the duplicates and not the original ones, but apparently I removes all of them. Can I restore them? I read about the backup-thing, but it did not work. Everything was synchronized as it should, but I have a ‘gap’ in time of half a day or so, which is when I wrote all these cards, so I cannot get access to them in that way. So, is there any other way I can get my cards back? Would be greatful for help.

If it’s not in the backups, not in Ankiweb, not in any other device you synced, no you can’t recover those cards.

Have you tried these steps?

If so, what is exactly not working?

Yes, I tried those steps, but it is not workning for me. Or, well, it is kinda workning, but I guess the problem is with the synchronization. Just like I tried to describe earlier, there is a ‘gap’ so all the versions of backups for that day is gone, if that makes sense. This means that I can get the cards I had yesterday morning and yesterday evening after I accidently deleted all my cards, but not all the ones that I created during the day.