AnkiApp update to 5.3.2 removed the earlier exe file and won’t install the new one

I’m running Windows 10, latest update. I had AnkiApp installed (version 3.xx), got a notification there was an update, and downloaded and ran the installer. This uninstalled the earlier exe file, but won’t install a new one! I’ve rerun the installer for version 5.3.3 (including resetting my keyboard to English and running as administrator), and I always finish up with a message saying it’s searching for ankiapp.exe. Clicking “Open file location” from the Windows program list shows me a location with the file “Uninstall AnkiApp.exe”. If I look at the shortcut properties, this takes me to the same location – no AnkiApp.exe anywhere.
If all else failes, how can I recover my decks??

Read this: AnkiApp is not part of the Anki ecosystem - Frequently Asked Questions

I’d suggest:

  1. Install Anki (not AnkiApp!) from the correct website: Anki - powerful, intelligent flashcards
  2. Inside Anki, install the add-on AnkiApp Importer.
  3. Import from AnkiApp as described on the add-on page.
  4. If step 3. doesn’t work, install AnkiApp version 3.xx, make sure your decks are downloaded and try step 3 again.
  5. From now on, use Anki instead of AnkiApp.

Also consult the Anki manual if you have questions.


Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately, when I go to the AnkiApp Importer, it says:

  • Make sure all your AnkiApp decks are downloaded before using the add-on. For that, go to AnkiApp, click on each of your decks, then click on the Download button at the bottom if it’s shown.

So I have to go back to AnkiApp 3.xx, which runs into exactly the same problem. Do you know of a way to locate the decks, please?

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Is there a database file on your computer?

  • C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\AnkiApp\databases\file__0 on Windows;
  • ~/Library/Application Support/AnkiApp/databases/file__0/1 or under ~/Library/Containers/com.ankiapp.client/Data/Documents/ankiapp on macOS

Inside the AnkiApp program, are you able to download your decks from the AnkiApp servers to your computer?

If this all fails and there is also no database in your trash folder, you can see if a program like Recuva can recover the database.

Yes, in the Windows folder.

So you have the database file, that’s good.

Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately, when I go to the AnkiApp Importer, it says:

Make sure all your AnkiApp decks are downloaded before using the add-on. For that, go to AnkiApp, click on each of your decks, then click on the Download button at the bottom if it’s shown.

Maybe that’s just a generic warning that doesn’t indicate that the import will fail. Are you able to go through with the import?

For questions about the importer, there is a dedicated thread Copycat Importer (AnkiApp/AnkiPro)

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