Anki White bar Windows 10 solution

Lets all agree that Windows has weird bugs … glitches that we complain about for years and will never be solved. it might not be important regarding the function but sure is annoying. there might be a fix or workaround but sure it will affect something else in other parts of the system

Lets get to the point

When Anki is on dark mode, there’s a white bar above it known in windows as (accent color) there’s a fix for it but quite annoying as we get to have anki grey color as hex color then go through windows registry files to change it… as I said before, that affect other parts in windows making words in system become grey (on a black background!)

Later on I found telegram app for windows has an interesting feature (called system windows frame) meaning it has an option to allow specific telegram top bar or leave windows default top bar. and their specific top bar is perfect for color matching, themes, etc.

My suggestion is why not having something like this @dae it would be like a god send solution for out boring bug

Please, Please consider this idea. Telegram app is open source, we can just copy the code or developer stuff may be easier

sorry for long post but really I hate this bug since windows 10 was introduced years ago

This feature seems not important so it may not be added.

I have another way, which can hide(not change it color) the window bar.

Download AutoHotkey and write a file HideWinBar.ahk with following contents.

#a::WinSet Style, ^0xC40000, A

Then double click the file. If you want to hide the window bar, just press Win + A when the Anki window is active. If you want to revert, press again.


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Thank you for your reply and suggestion

I know it’s not important but I hope that dae look at it as easy fix rather than important

I tried your solution but it changed the white bar with empty black area. and shifted the functionality of buttons upward. means if I want to click at tools, I need t click like 1 cm above it

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. First of all, Qt does not provide this functionality (not the Python bindings, not the original library…). Secondly, this is highly platform-dependent, and to make it more spicy both Windows and Mac make it quite hard to do so (because they usually don’t want applications to change “their” look-and-feel, rather the opposite). Moreover, Telegram is written in C++, whereas Anki’s interface is written in Python, meaning you can’t just copy-paste their code (and even if they were written in the same language, it wouldn’t be that easy). Finally, the only way I found (according to MS’s documentation) to do that would be to make a call to their winapi (in particular, it’s the SetSysColors function, or its ctypes.windll.user32.SetSysColors python counterpart); but from their documentation I couldn’t understand if that function affects only the current application, or if it’s a global setting setter (and since I don’t have a Windows, I couldn’t test).

Not all is lost though, as Qt offers an other functionality, which is to hide entirely that bar, and use some space at the top of the window to create a custom one. However, it’s not as easy as just setting a single color, since you’d have to rebuild the whole bar yourself. Since eye candy is not what is currently being develop, I don’t think we’ll have this change soon (although this doesn’t mean it’s never going to happen…).

A more personal comment now: you say “fix” as if this was Anki’s fault but really, if Windows’ bars are too stubborn to pick up a theme without all the hassle I’ve mentioned, it’s Windows’ “fault” (they designed it this way so, from MS’ point of view, it’s probably not a fault).