Anki Review not Recycling on Learning Cards after "Again" Function Pressed

I recently started using Anki again. I have used it in the past and now am having trouble with my review cards being recycled. On learning cards, after pressing the “again” key, I am not given the question in 15 min, as I have preset. These are on new cards, not graduated, does anyone have ideas for fixing this problem?

You may have configured something incorrectly. But we won’t find out because you haven’t shared your settings.

Look at the statistics on the card to see what is actually happening to it.
Card info
Previous Card info
Card Info

Yes, the Card Info would be helpful. But I’m also wondering – what makes you think the card isn’t “recycling”?

Is it because you wait for the passage of 15 minutes and haven’t seen the card yet? I would wonder – do you have a lot of cards in Learn/Relearn?

Is it because you get to the end of your study session and haven’t seen the card? Or because the “red” counter of Learn/Relearn cards doesn’t increase? I would wonder – is your learn-ahead limit set to 15 min or more? Preferences - Anki Manual

Here are my settings, it is because I am getting to the end of the deck and not seeing the card repeated and all it says is “you’re done for the day”
I have been using an 8bitdo clicker (checked to make sure that keys match up) and using some filtered decks, I attached the setting on these as well.

Yep, your learn-ahead limit is 0. Change that to at least 15 min – or to 20 min if you want it to capture Relearn cards too.

Thanks for the help! I watched some videos recommending to keep it at 0. What exactly would be the benefits of this?

I’d love to know what the videos are, because I can’t imagine the logic behind that. I suspect they are at least old enough to be pre-v3-scheduler videos, because I’ve seen a remarkable number of folks who were forced to upgrade from v2 to v3 (which I suspect might be your situation as well?) and are noticing this issue for the first time. Perhaps those video-ers misunderstood the feature, or there was a terrible thing that used to happen (with the v1 scheduler?) that doesn’t happen anymore, or they just believe in a really strict interpretation of learning step intervals.

You can see in the manual page I linked to what the feature does – it keeps you from “leaving behind” cards that are still in Learn/Relearn at the end of your study session/day. That’s it. You tell Anki you want to see them again in 15 or 20m, but then your session doesn’t last that much longer, so Anki serves them up early.

Thanks so much for the clarification! Very helpful! Have a great evening!

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[But, for real, if you know what any of the videos are, I’d love to take a look at them. :+1:t4: ]

It’s this - some people would rather kill time waiting for the cards to become due after the full delay, instead of seeing them early.

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